after my last book, it's been a while that i picked up another book to read. last saturday after sending the daughter for her music class, ventured into mph (a fave hangout to kill time). not really intending to buy anything (cos i still have a few books that haven't seen the light of day) but couldn't resist when i saw jeffrey archer's latest novel, prisoner of birth. i was patiently waiting for the paperback version. could. not. resist. had. to. buy. so bought lah. happy happy. like many of his other works, it is one i could not put down till i reached the end.

in summary - danny cartwright was arrested & charged with the murder of his best friend, who also happens to be his future bride's brother. and when the four prosecution witnesses are a barrister, a popular actor, an aristocrat & the youngest partner in an established firm's history; who is going to believe his side of the story? danny is then sentenced to twenty two years & sent to belmarsh prison, the highest security jail in the land where no prisoner has ever escaped. danny then goes on a quest to seek revenge while his fiancee is on a relentess quest to seek justice.
go here if you want to read an excerpt of this excellent book -
and thus begins my reading season where i will continue reading one book after another. till i get bored (not that i would get bored of reading but its like the monsoon season - it comes it goes it comes again) & won't pick up a book for ages till i get all excited again to read my latest buy & the season starts again. yeah, on & on it goes i guess....
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