and they say love is dead...

this morning i went to deposit a cheque for the credit card payment (sigh!! is there no end to this??). just as i was about to enter the ebanking center, i saw this couple (quite old pakcik & wife) on their bike. the pakcik was dropping off the wife for work i suppose. my guess is the makcik works as a cleaner at the bank.

just as she was bending down to pick up the papers, atm chits, envelope seals that were strewn across all over the place, i noticed the hubby started helping her by sweeping the floor & picking up the rubbish. it warms the heart to see such love.

is it so difficult to take that extra few steps to dispose the rubbish into the bin? yeah yeah, some idiots might say 'but that's her job what!!'... what?? you live in a pig sty? is that what you do at home? do you just throw rubbish on the floor & expect your maid to pick up after you?

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