the return of errrr

She buys a new car. Nothing fancy like a BMW Z4 or Z whatever that is the latest model. No where near the Audi TT or Q series. Not even close to a Toyota Camry... I shall not name the make & model but it's less than 100k lah...

I don't normally give two hoots on who drives what but this is a different case altogether... She can very well afford a Z4 but she claims she wants 'low profile'. Okay, fine....

Then she wanted 848 for her registration number (translated to Chinese - fatt sei fatt. Kaya, dah mampus pun kaya gak). But she had to pay more so she settled for her present number (yat kow lok lok).

Today she got possession of her new ride. Says the salesman bought a temp road tax that expires 14th Nov. No good, she says. Yat sei.. Sure die or something like that.

And she tells me 'Later you reverse your car be careful lah, don't bang into my car ah..'

WTF?? If it was a Lambo or Maserati or SL or X6, makes sense lah. Ni kan kereta nasional kita. PUHLEESE lah. I nak bawak truck ni, saja graze her bumper. Biar padan ngan muka tembam dia!!!

Tengah geram ni!!!


Tuty Awi said...

hahahahah! ada hati mau nk warning org lagi..hahahaha

plain jane said...

tuty - ontahlah minah tu. mulut main lepas jer...plastik pun tak buka lagi. satu keter masih berbalut (if luar boleh balut yg tu pun dia tak bukak kot)....

zewt said...

a lot of dendam inside ... hehe...

thewisekid said...


long time no see you !!

my yat yat chat new ride also don't kasi lorry langgar OK!;p

bila nak FC niH??!?

plain jane said...

AA = bukan setakat langgar, i bawak steam-roller or bigfoot terus... baru puas hati

hahahah, tak berani lah with your lollipop. btw i got a new ride myself but not cooper lah. hubby against it but i ain't complaining with what i got lah. dah org belikan, takkan nak complain lagi kan??

thewisekid said...

what is your new ride?

bila nak bawak i jln jln in the new car?