
Picture this...you invite a friend to come over for a get-together, eat, drink be merry. And she strikes up this conversation...

She: Eh, what are you cooking ah for your get-together?
You: (you name a dish that is your specialty) and some kuih maybe...
She: I don't want to eat your (dish that you named)...

What do you answer?


zewt said...

then dont fu*king eat lah...

Tuty Awi said...

huhu! lucky u when ur answer to me is "masak air"!kalu x, dapat lagi satu vote!

plain jane said...

zewt - i told her the same thing, just not in such a pleasant way like you suggested....

tuty - somehow 'masak air' sounds better than 'cook water'. lol...

thewisekid said...

You: i don't effing care if you want to eat it or not. Your loss.

then, give her your sweetest smile, and walk away. =)

plain jane said...

AA - lost my sting lah :-(

maybe its my upbringing to respect the elders lah... hee hee

bosscat said...

u said.. usah-la datang...