it's simply amazing how...

...I keep learning something useless. Enlighten me if you can, what the below means:

Scaredy goat.


I try but it hurts. It really really hurts just to think...


Chindiana said...

Scaredy Goat - its like Scaredy Cat but not so limber and a bit silly.

Incentify - Bsically its 'incentivize' spelt by an Ah Beng :P

plain jane said...

chindy, from a cat to a goat. it comes in all shapes, sizes and smells huh??

lucky lah i got learned friends who can help me in these times of madness...

Chindiana said...

Learned friends do what learned friends do... um learned friends MUST? nevermind....

zewt said...


plain jane said...

zewt, that is only the beginning. plenty more where that came from. ever heard of bendmarching??

chindy...learned friends must... ya, ya. nevermind!!