whilst in singapore, my friend told me i should get the corelle stuff 'cos its much cheaper there even with the exchange rate of 2.41. after some calculation, we figured a dinner plate would cost about thirty ringgit, which i still thought was pretty ridiculous lah.
so when we came back to kl, curiosity got the better of the hubby & i. everytime we walked into the household section in a departmental store, we would check out the prices of the corelle stuff. can you believe that a dinner plate here cost about sixty ringgit.
so at isetan klcc, i asked the sales guy why on earth the stuff was exorbitantly priced. so the conversation went somewhat like:
me: dik, kenapa barang corelle ni mahal sangat?
him: benda ni import dari u.s lah kak
me: ya lah, import dari u.s ke, china ke makan nasi tempat rasa nasi lah. lain lah kalau letak nasi putih bila makan tu rasa nasi briyani. kalau cam tu, okay jugak...
him: entahlah kak *laughs*
so, now it has become an obsession that everytime we pass by one of the corelle stuff, we check out the price to see if we can in some way chance upon a piece that is selling for like ten bucks.

i have been told that its light, won't chip or break easily if you drop it, dries fast, yada yada yada. i told the hubby to pick up the cheapest piece (probably a sauce bowl or something) & drop it, if it really doesn't break we'll be amazed. if it breaks, errr.... maybe we'll try it in langkawi......
why dont u try, then tell me....kalau x pecah, i pon nk beli...
okay, nanti bisday hang tahun depan aku beli cawan sebiji. masa tu la i try...i'll be sure to let you know. ;P
change my mind then, for my birthday, i want an iPhone, ...can ah???? hehehehe...
cannnn & for mine i want the celine bag. kalau tak pun the hermes kelly pun tak pe.
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