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have yourself a merry little christmas...
a quick note to wish my fellow friends & family who are celebrating this blessed day.....

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there is no love
back when i stayed in a link house, we had very good neighbors whom we still meet every now & then. just this afternoon, i attended of their daughter's wedding reception. since i moved to an 'elite' condo or so it claims or tries to be i have very little interaction with my fellow neighbors.
we have four units to a floor; one has moved to dubai & the very little interaction we had with them was pleasant. another is a guy from the land of the rising sun. not really very friendly & his local chinese gal-pal complements him well. my immediate neighbor, a couple of mix marriage are quite friendly really but our paths seldom cross.
see, where i stay residents have access cards which only allow them to the common floors (ie parking, lobby) & our respective floors. and we can't take the stairs to the other floors as well as the doors can't be opened from the stairwell area. so if we have a slight problem with the neighbors above us (eg water dripping from their unit & kids jumping on the floor thus the thudding sound), we can't take a walk upstairs & talk to them.
no... we have to lodge a 'complaint' at the management office & they will then get the maintenance people to solve whatever problem there is. see, this morning i got a call from the management office. apparently the unit below had a wet floor in their work area (or wet kitchen) & naturally assumed that the unit above (in this case mine) was the cause of it. so i went to my work area to see if there were any leakages that could cause the drip. of course takdelah. but my floors were wet too so i looked up & saw a wet mop dripping to the unit above me, mine, below me & possibly all the way down...
so i told the girl that probably thats the cause of it. and then she tells me 'oh, they complained two days ago. so we want to send our maintenance guys to check your unit on monday at 330. is it okay with you?'. okay.... two days later. dhl - dua hari lambat. two days ago, the same unit above probably hung their wet mop & caused the drip (or for that matter many units above as i saw plenty of mops hanging to dry).
we'll see what happens on monday.
we have four units to a floor; one has moved to dubai & the very little interaction we had with them was pleasant. another is a guy from the land of the rising sun. not really very friendly & his local chinese gal-pal complements him well. my immediate neighbor, a couple of mix marriage are quite friendly really but our paths seldom cross.
see, where i stay residents have access cards which only allow them to the common floors (ie parking, lobby) & our respective floors. and we can't take the stairs to the other floors as well as the doors can't be opened from the stairwell area. so if we have a slight problem with the neighbors above us (eg water dripping from their unit & kids jumping on the floor thus the thudding sound), we can't take a walk upstairs & talk to them.
no... we have to lodge a 'complaint' at the management office & they will then get the maintenance people to solve whatever problem there is. see, this morning i got a call from the management office. apparently the unit below had a wet floor in their work area (or wet kitchen) & naturally assumed that the unit above (in this case mine) was the cause of it. so i went to my work area to see if there were any leakages that could cause the drip. of course takdelah. but my floors were wet too so i looked up & saw a wet mop dripping to the unit above me, mine, below me & possibly all the way down...
so i told the girl that probably thats the cause of it. and then she tells me 'oh, they complained two days ago. so we want to send our maintenance guys to check your unit on monday at 330. is it okay with you?'. okay.... two days later. dhl - dua hari lambat. two days ago, the same unit above probably hung their wet mop & caused the drip (or for that matter many units above as i saw plenty of mops hanging to dry).
we'll see what happens on monday.
'tis the season...
noel is just a week away. done all the gift shopping. hubby suggested to go away for the x'mas hols. he wanted to know if the mom would freak out if we didn't make it back for the family gathering. i told him i am sure she wouldn't mind although she may be a bit sad. then i asked him if his mom would freak out if we didn't go back for raya celebrations. that kept him quiet for a while. so yeah, we would be going back for the christmas celebration....
meanwhile, a certain someone i know is going away just a couple of days after the yuletide hols. now i must go rummage my stuff to see if i can find her the little black thing she is planning to wear... i know she's gonna have loads of fun. and i am one who cannot wait to hear what happens during the hols. kepoh, kepoh, kepoh.
meanwhile, a certain someone i know is going away just a couple of days after the yuletide hols. now i must go rummage my stuff to see if i can find her the little black thing she is planning to wear... i know she's gonna have loads of fun. and i am one who cannot wait to hear what happens during the hols. kepoh, kepoh, kepoh.
hello mr robinson
him - in green
her - in blue
yesterday al tanya how old are you? i told him same age lah. he was surprised to know that you are nearing 40. so i cakap ngan dia 'ala al, tak yah nak cakap lagi dah. ramai orang selalu cakap she nampak muda. sampai telinga i dah sakit dah nak dengar'. lepas tu al gelak jer... masa kita gi jumpa al & zack kat kedai tu semalam, zack said you & i nampak cam age difference tujuh tahun
hahahahhahaha. its better that i look younger than you right. if i look older than you, then you mesti nak cari yang younger looking...sure punye lah
eh, pandai lah you. mana you tau. bangga lah tu...
tak ah.. dah immune dengar.
eleh!! but min pun selalu cakap you look different now. yalah, dulu you cam kampung tapi sekarang dah uptown girl...
ah, boleh blah. you pun apa kurangnye.. dulu pun you kampung gak apa.
eh, i dulu hensem sampai pompuan meleleh tengok i & lelaki bermasam muka..
bukan lelaki pun meleleh tengok you ke? hahahahah
hahahaha, sial jer cakap ngan you.....
her - in blue
yesterday al tanya how old are you? i told him same age lah. he was surprised to know that you are nearing 40. so i cakap ngan dia 'ala al, tak yah nak cakap lagi dah. ramai orang selalu cakap she nampak muda. sampai telinga i dah sakit dah nak dengar'. lepas tu al gelak jer... masa kita gi jumpa al & zack kat kedai tu semalam, zack said you & i nampak cam age difference tujuh tahun
hahahahhahaha. its better that i look younger than you right. if i look older than you, then you mesti nak cari yang younger looking...sure punye lah
eh, pandai lah you. mana you tau. bangga lah tu...
tak ah.. dah immune dengar.
eleh!! but min pun selalu cakap you look different now. yalah, dulu you cam kampung tapi sekarang dah uptown girl...
ah, boleh blah. you pun apa kurangnye.. dulu pun you kampung gak apa.
eh, i dulu hensem sampai pompuan meleleh tengok i & lelaki bermasam muka..
bukan lelaki pun meleleh tengok you ke? hahahahah
hahahaha, sial jer cakap ngan you.....
curiosity breaks the plate
many moons come, many moons ago - i bought a few pieces of the famed (or not) corelle dining ware for what i thought was reasonably priced. fast forward ten years to the present day...

whilst in singapore, my friend told me i should get the corelle stuff 'cos its much cheaper there even with the exchange rate of 2.41. after some calculation, we figured a dinner plate would cost about thirty ringgit, which i still thought was pretty ridiculous lah.
so when we came back to kl, curiosity got the better of the hubby & i. everytime we walked into the household section in a departmental store, we would check out the prices of the corelle stuff. can you believe that a dinner plate here cost about sixty ringgit.
so at isetan klcc, i asked the sales guy why on earth the stuff was exorbitantly priced. so the conversation went somewhat like:
me: dik, kenapa barang corelle ni mahal sangat?
him: benda ni import dari u.s lah kak
me: ya lah, import dari u.s ke, china ke makan nasi tempat rasa nasi lah. lain lah kalau letak nasi putih bila makan tu rasa nasi briyani. kalau cam tu, okay jugak...
him: entahlah kak *laughs*
so, now it has become an obsession that everytime we pass by one of the corelle stuff, we check out the price to see if we can in some way chance upon a piece that is selling for like ten bucks.

i have been told that its light, won't chip or break easily if you drop it, dries fast, yada yada yada. i told the hubby to pick up the cheapest piece (probably a sauce bowl or something) & drop it, if it really doesn't break we'll be amazed. if it breaks, errr.... maybe we'll try it in langkawi......
of dancing queens, bags & pimping
a series of unfortunate & fortunate events happened today...
partie une - the jade, the jam & the 'why didn't i know it's a holiday today?'
i started my xmas gift shopping last night. managed to get some useful & useless stuff for them family members. all except for mommy dearest. so a friend told me of where i can get nice jade stuff as a gift. we agreed to meet this morning to go have a look see lah. so this morning instead of sleeping in, i had to drive all the way to the other end of the earth to meet up with her (well not exactly the other end lah but it felt like it). so after viewing & belek-ing, pusing-ing & entah apa-apa lagi entah i decided upon a nice little piece lah. then we thought - 'okay, since we are in the neighborhood, how bout we go to mid-valley to have the stone set'. but someone forgot to tell us that today is a public holiday in selangor & we got caught in a bloody jam that can make you cry blood. one hour just to try to get into the parking area (valet parking full lah maam) & bloody get out of the shit of jam just to get to bangsar!!! hungry, cold & swearing at every fucking driving who just got on our nerves. decided to have lunch at bangsar village at deli'cious (betul ah the spelling) & thank goodness the food was good.
partie deux - dancing queen, young & sweet only seventeen
got a call from catwoman who suggested we meet up for teh tarik in hartamas. set aje... so after lunch, a bit of cuci mata, tengok tengok tapi tak beli we headed for hartamas for our date (& i dragged my other friend along). on the way there, the hubby called & said he managed to get two tix to the mamma mia musical. so catwoman & i will be tunjuk langit, tunding bulan lah come 3rd jan (alamak salah musical lah, tu demam malam sabtu lah. takpelah, boleh jugak kan kan kan). excited much....
partie trois - the bag lady
remember my earlier post about used bags that were sold in singapore for a dime & a song - well yeah many many many dimes & then some. found another place in penang, where i managed to get an lv epi for like way way way less. one guessed i paid 5k while another said 3k. anything above 1.5k i wouldn't even it give it a second thought. but managed to get it reduced to a wee bit above the 1k mark from its selling price. a steal really.....catwoman is heading up north soon & this is for sure one place of interest she'll pay a visit to. found another one in plaza damas but we couldn't make it in time. oh well, some other day i guess....
partie quatre - pimp my friend
catwoman has a gay friend, i have a gay friend - one nasi lemak antarabangsa & the other hainanese chicken rice. they are both looking for a hook up. so we decided to pimp them to each other. but who knew both these people had a million and one questions like - how old is he, what does he do, where does he work, is he tall, is he panjang lebar, what does he look like. so pusing punya pusing, apparently chicky rice knows nasi lemak.. so whether or not it happens remains to be seen. but i have been promised a pair of choos if he gets someone atas... angkasawan available ah? with his charges of 8k per appearance, what is a pair of choos man? some more he said he will uncle jimmy to make them choos.... the long & short of it (unintened yet some how intended), we were talking crap & laughing our asses off....
all in the day of the life of a plain jane i guess......must practise singing now - i have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope.....oooh ooooh, here goes the dancing queen in my head now.
partie une - the jade, the jam & the 'why didn't i know it's a holiday today?'
i started my xmas gift shopping last night. managed to get some useful & useless stuff for them family members. all except for mommy dearest. so a friend told me of where i can get nice jade stuff as a gift. we agreed to meet this morning to go have a look see lah. so this morning instead of sleeping in, i had to drive all the way to the other end of the earth to meet up with her (well not exactly the other end lah but it felt like it). so after viewing & belek-ing, pusing-ing & entah apa-apa lagi entah i decided upon a nice little piece lah. then we thought - 'okay, since we are in the neighborhood, how bout we go to mid-valley to have the stone set'. but someone forgot to tell us that today is a public holiday in selangor & we got caught in a bloody jam that can make you cry blood. one hour just to try to get into the parking area (valet parking full lah maam) & bloody get out of the shit of jam just to get to bangsar!!! hungry, cold & swearing at every fucking driving who just got on our nerves. decided to have lunch at bangsar village at deli'cious (betul ah the spelling) & thank goodness the food was good.
partie deux - dancing queen, young & sweet only seventeen
got a call from catwoman who suggested we meet up for teh tarik in hartamas. set aje... so after lunch, a bit of cuci mata, tengok tengok tapi tak beli we headed for hartamas for our date (& i dragged my other friend along). on the way there, the hubby called & said he managed to get two tix to the mamma mia musical. so catwoman & i will be tunjuk langit, tunding bulan lah come 3rd jan (alamak salah musical lah, tu demam malam sabtu lah. takpelah, boleh jugak kan kan kan). excited much....
partie trois - the bag lady
remember my earlier post about used bags that were sold in singapore for a dime & a song - well yeah many many many dimes & then some. found another place in penang, where i managed to get an lv epi for like way way way less. one guessed i paid 5k while another said 3k. anything above 1.5k i wouldn't even it give it a second thought. but managed to get it reduced to a wee bit above the 1k mark from its selling price. a steal really.....catwoman is heading up north soon & this is for sure one place of interest she'll pay a visit to. found another one in plaza damas but we couldn't make it in time. oh well, some other day i guess....
partie quatre - pimp my friend
catwoman has a gay friend, i have a gay friend - one nasi lemak antarabangsa & the other hainanese chicken rice. they are both looking for a hook up. so we decided to pimp them to each other. but who knew both these people had a million and one questions like - how old is he, what does he do, where does he work, is he tall, is he panjang lebar, what does he look like. so pusing punya pusing, apparently chicky rice knows nasi lemak.. so whether or not it happens remains to be seen. but i have been promised a pair of choos if he gets someone atas... angkasawan available ah? with his charges of 8k per appearance, what is a pair of choos man? some more he said he will uncle jimmy to make them choos.... the long & short of it (unintened yet some how intended), we were talking crap & laughing our asses off....
all in the day of the life of a plain jane i guess......must practise singing now - i have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope.....oooh ooooh, here goes the dancing queen in my head now.
no, its really not funny
in any relationship be it with friends or family - what is the one thing that comes in the way & causes it all to fall apart; regardless of what you have shared & gone through?
yeah, i like the bags & the shoes & the clothes & the bling but its something i can do without. i have been there, i have survived & there is no reason i would die without it.
why am i telling you this? its a long story but to cut it short - a slight misunderstanding happened between some family members & us. what we did for so long with nothing but the best intentions at heart was misinterpreted as them owing us money. when she uttered the word "aku ada hutang kau duit ke?"; it practically stabbed us in the heart & we felt so sad. we thought that she would understand us & know that we did what we did because we loved her so dearly.
well, like i believe - everything happens for a reason & this episode is no different. this too shall pass.....
cliché as it may sound, money is indeed the root of all evil. its something we need & can't do without yet too much of it, and it slowly but surely destroys us. so, it would suffice to me that we have enough for the necessities in life & yes at times for the pleasures and comfort it can buy us.
when the daughter was young, she used to sigh & wish we were filthy rich. see, some of her friends were anak datuk lah who at a very young age were flying half way round the world for the school holidays. and at that very young age, she was able to comprehend when i told her that money isn't everything. we don't have to be stinking rich - as long as we are comfortable (yeah and what i said above) & we don't have to beg, borrow or steal, we are doing okay. not sure if she still thinks the same though.yeah, i like the bags & the shoes & the clothes & the bling but its something i can do without. i have been there, i have survived & there is no reason i would die without it.
why am i telling you this? its a long story but to cut it short - a slight misunderstanding happened between some family members & us. what we did for so long with nothing but the best intentions at heart was misinterpreted as them owing us money. when she uttered the word "aku ada hutang kau duit ke?"; it practically stabbed us in the heart & we felt so sad. we thought that she would understand us & know that we did what we did because we loved her so dearly.
well, like i believe - everything happens for a reason & this episode is no different. this too shall pass.....
its not just me, he's the same
lest some people think i have nothing between my ears & have a mindless fetish for bags, shoes & all things evil and unecessary; i am proud to say my other half has his fetishes too. lets see, there's...
- shoes (for a household of 3, we have a cupboard full of it)
- knives (although i must say i don't really mind this one)
- carpets (go figure)
- clothes (he got the bigger portion of the wardrobe 'cos i am but a lowly home-maker mah)
- tv (recent buy was a 50" plasma & i don't know how much bigger its gonna go by the next world cup)
justifying my reason for buying the bag, i suppose.. okay!! my conscience is clear as a clear blue sky now..... :-)
- shoes (for a household of 3, we have a cupboard full of it)
- knives (although i must say i don't really mind this one)
- carpets (go figure)
- clothes (he got the bigger portion of the wardrobe 'cos i am but a lowly home-maker mah)
- tv (recent buy was a 50" plasma & i don't know how much bigger its gonna go by the next world cup)
justifying my reason for buying the bag, i suppose.. okay!! my conscience is clear as a clear blue sky now..... :-)
a bag a day
was in singapore last week with the hubby & some friends. purpose of the trip - what else shopping lah. got some clothes - yeah yeah the brands you find there can be found here too but with the sale going on, and even with the exchange rate, some are still cheaper & certain collection found there ain't the same as the ones here.
found the olive celine bag too but its a tad more than here, so didn't get it either. settled instead for a chloé joan shoulder bag, but not without going in & out numerous times into the shops. if they converted all those walking into frequent flyer points, i'd be on my way to dubai & back on first class already. saw a pair of jimmy choo sandals but i was able to resist temptation *smiles*.
then i chanced upon a shop selling pre-owned bags - loads of lv, fendi, pradas, even saw the light from heaven shining above on the hermès birkin bag which is selling for a cool sgd16k... sighhhhh. anyway if you are interested in browsing, go to
so what is with women & their fascination with bags and shoes? to be honest - i really have no idea. it's just so pretty. shoes, i can live without but give me a bag any day & i'll be as happy as a lark.... doesn't hurt to dream, eh??
found the olive celine bag too but its a tad more than here, so didn't get it either. settled instead for a chloé joan shoulder bag, but not without going in & out numerous times into the shops. if they converted all those walking into frequent flyer points, i'd be on my way to dubai & back on first class already. saw a pair of jimmy choo sandals but i was able to resist temptation *smiles*.
my new chloé joan shoulder bag
then i chanced upon a shop selling pre-owned bags - loads of lv, fendi, pradas, even saw the light from heaven shining above on the hermès birkin bag which is selling for a cool sgd16k... sighhhhh. anyway if you are interested in browsing, go to
so what is with women & their fascination with bags and shoes? to be honest - i really have no idea. it's just so pretty. shoes, i can live without but give me a bag any day & i'll be as happy as a lark.... doesn't hurt to dream, eh??
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