you know how they say birds of a feather flock together. i have a couple of friends who are scorpions & we clique well. although some may beg to differ & tend to think of us as mega bitches, hate our guts & our sharp tongue and perhaps wish us off the face of the earth. but hey, we are who we are, take it or leave it. you don't like us, no problem. we don't have a problem with it. do you?
so this time around, i am gonna dedicate this post to them who are the stingers. perhaps it would help you better understand why i can be a bitch at times - well, yeah most of the time.

characteristics - strong, forceful & active, capable of immense feats of prowess and patience. highly determined with a strong spirit of conquest. you will have some loyal followers who could accept you as someone born to command and defeat.
strength - proud & haughty, governing character, intense, powerful, determined, sensitive, profound, ambitious.
weakness - deeply resentful, brooding, destructive, sarcastic
likes - activity, mysteries, secrets, winning, being acknowledged
dislikes - being analyzed, being asked personal questions, people who think they know more than scorpios do, too many compliments, having to trust a stranger.
during their lifetime, scorpios will make many acquaitances but few true friendships. friendship for the scorpio is no easy matter, but once made it will be strong & permanent. a scorpio is always a friend one can count on, especially their trustworthiness & readiness to help.
so here's to my friends who are also turning a year older in november:
ah chanz - the scorpio dragon lady. can you imagine the lethal scorpio + dragon combination? scary eh? you are damn right - she's one scary crazy bitch. but she's a great person to talk to. witty, loud, full of sarcasm (tong loads) yet deep deep down she's a gem (not like the mega pain people perceive her to be).
evil twin - the scorpio ox lady, another strong combination. this one is not that scary though. but her subtle sinister remarks can be as sharp & have as much sting. but you have to be quick to pick out her nasties & do the extra work of reading between the lines.
so there.... i was chatting with a good friend the other day & i asked her if i could give her my wish list. she said she might just faint from looking at the names / brands i would shoot off. i told her, i'll be kind lah - i'll be happy with books. i gave her the title of what i wanted.
regardless, i still have my wish list though. just in case lah ya - let's see.... sandals from jimmy choo, tod's or gucci handbag, hublot or piaget time-piece (the piaget rihanna wears her 'take a bow' video), ax (nice dresses), polo sport (tees, in klcc), polo ralph lauren (polo dress in blue & white stripes available in pavilion). see!! my wish list bukannya panjang sangat pun. simple is as simple gets.......
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