my eyes!!! they burn....
the raya open house was at a close friend's place in an upscale condo in ampang area. it was at the common area near the swimming pool. so after stuffing myself, i went over to pool area to sit & chat with my friend's mom. i was pointing out to her a condo on the first floor that tore apart the unit for renovations. its not always you see a condo torn down to practically its bare essentials for renovations. friend's mom was a bit rabun, so lucky for her she didn't see what i witnessed next.
what do i see? a young lady on a 2nd floor unit stark naked!! she was probably drawing the curtains to get dressed or something. i was shocked into speechlessness for a minute or so (which is quite rare for me). i think she saw me looking at her cos she just ran out of sight.
i mean come on lah...your bloody unit is like on the 2nd floor & facing the pool. the bloody windows were open & there were loads of people at the pool area. the noise alone would have made her aware there were people there & the kids were screaming their heads off in the pool. what the hell was she thinking?
and no, no free show during the pre-deepavali open house.....
wishing on a stinger....
you know how they say birds of a feather flock together. i have a couple of friends who are scorpions & we clique well. although some may beg to differ & tend to think of us as mega bitches, hate our guts & our sharp tongue and perhaps wish us off the face of the earth. but hey, we are who we are, take it or leave it. you don't like us, no problem. we don't have a problem with it. do you?
so this time around, i am gonna dedicate this post to them who are the stingers. perhaps it would help you better understand why i can be a bitch at times - well, yeah most of the time.

characteristics - strong, forceful & active, capable of immense feats of prowess and patience. highly determined with a strong spirit of conquest. you will have some loyal followers who could accept you as someone born to command and defeat.
strength - proud & haughty, governing character, intense, powerful, determined, sensitive, profound, ambitious.
weakness - deeply resentful, brooding, destructive, sarcastic
likes - activity, mysteries, secrets, winning, being acknowledged
dislikes - being analyzed, being asked personal questions, people who think they know more than scorpios do, too many compliments, having to trust a stranger.
during their lifetime, scorpios will make many acquaitances but few true friendships. friendship for the scorpio is no easy matter, but once made it will be strong & permanent. a scorpio is always a friend one can count on, especially their trustworthiness & readiness to help.
so here's to my friends who are also turning a year older in november:
ah chanz - the scorpio dragon lady. can you imagine the lethal scorpio + dragon combination? scary eh? you are damn right - she's one scary crazy bitch. but she's a great person to talk to. witty, loud, full of sarcasm (tong loads) yet deep deep down she's a gem (not like the mega pain people perceive her to be).
evil twin - the scorpio ox lady, another strong combination. this one is not that scary though. but her subtle sinister remarks can be as sharp & have as much sting. but you have to be quick to pick out her nasties & do the extra work of reading between the lines.
so there.... i was chatting with a good friend the other day & i asked her if i could give her my wish list. she said she might just faint from looking at the names / brands i would shoot off. i told her, i'll be kind lah - i'll be happy with books. i gave her the title of what i wanted.
regardless, i still have my wish list though. just in case lah ya - let's see.... sandals from jimmy choo, tod's or gucci handbag, hublot or piaget time-piece (the piaget rihanna wears her 'take a bow' video), ax (nice dresses), polo sport (tees, in klcc), polo ralph lauren (polo dress in blue & white stripes available in pavilion). see!! my wish list bukannya panjang sangat pun. simple is as simple gets.......
happy festival of lights

the other side of the coin
a woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed. she puts on her dressing gown and goes downstairs to look for him. she finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee in front of him. he appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall. she watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee.
"what's the matter, dear?" she whispers as she steps into the room. "why are you down here at this time of night?"
the husband looks up from his coffee. "i am just remembering when we first met twenty years ago and started dating. you were only 16. do you remember back then?" he says solemnly.
the wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so caring & sensitive. "yes, i do" she replies. the husband pauses. the words were not coming easily.
"do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car?"
"yes, i remember " said the wife lowering herself into a chair beside him.
the husband continues "do you remember when he shoved the gun in my face and said 'either marry my daughter or i will send you to jail for 20 years'?"
"i remember that too" she replies softly.
he wipes away another tear from his cheek and says "i would have been released today."
and before any of you ask the stupid question of 'you got caught in the back seat of a car ah?' in my comments space... just to save you time, no nothing of that sort happened.
he ain't heavy, he...
- deserves a smack in the head for being an ass;
- knows he's an asshole, admits being one but still is one;
- is the love of my life & i will do anything for him.
we just celebrated our sixteenth anniversary of becoming mr & mrs. it started out alright but just as we were getting ready to go out for dinner, he & the daughter got into a little tiff. we went ahead with our dinner plains albeit the sombre mood & the 'twenty sen' face. not entirely resolved, they are still giving each other the cold shoulder treatment. this too shall pass....
had lunch with a friend today & she was telling me stories about her other half & a mutual friend's hubby. how both the guys are possessive about their wives. about how they cannot go out with their friends that the hubbys don't approve of (but the men can go out with whomever they want). about how they men would freak out when they call the wives & the women don't answer on the first ring. about how the mutual friend had to cut short her biz trip just cos her hubby 'merajuk' when she didn't answer his call cos she was working.
when i hear stories like this, i am glad i married the man i married. sixteen years with this man with its fair share of good times, bad times & times when i just ask 'why me?' - i am thankful to god for him. he may be a pain at times but nothing like me telling him 'f off' won't fix....
hot ni, hot...
teller: is this encik xxx?
hubby: yes
teller: i am calling from xxx
hubby: yeah, i just left your bank
teller: a girl came to settle your bill just now
hubby: a girl? you mean my wife
teller: oh... can i speak to her please??
hah, apa lagi - kembang bermangkuk mangkuk lah. so after that we proceeded to ikea to have a look see & to get some stuff. now this scenario is at the checkout counter. yours truly is at the end of it, packing the things into the bags. hubby is waiting at the counter waiting to pay. behind him is a makcik.
makcik: (to the cashier) dik, kenapa panas sangat ni?
cashier: maaf lah ya, tapi hari ni ramai orang
makcik: ya ke? bukan sebab yang berdiri kat depan ni hot ke?
hubby related this to me when we were in the car on the way home. good laugh.. the hubby is quite a looker (not like brad pitt lah but pleasing to the eye lah). i used to tease him about attracting the wrong kind (more like the opposite sex) when he was much younger. now that he is attracting the right sex, its the wrong age group.
chindiana, would this qualify as the cheesiest pick up line ah?
the aftermath
raya was a quiet affair. not all the siblings made it back for the celebrations. one up north couldn't make as her other half had to be hospitalized due to abdominal pains. one in the klang valley had to stay back as his wife is due any time now. the nephews & nieces are all grown up now (youngest being four & she being the noisiest of the lot & the oldest is twenty, me thinks) so it wasn't as noisy or as chaotic as it was back when they were little. and as they grow, it takes its toll on our purses as well cos we (the hubby & i at least) give them duit raya according to the level of education they are pursuing. thinking they would graduate next year (a couple less to give lah), they smile & tell us 'err, no lah. nak sambung masters'. maybe we should not give duit raya to those twenty one years of age & above.... oh well.
so this raya, the hubby decided to visit a couple of his old house-mates. the last we visited them was when my daughter was about three feet high. two feet & a couple of inches later.... so there i was trying to be a perempuan bukan melayu terakhir....
adik (the friend's younger sis)
pbmt (me lah)
makcik (some lady who was also a guest)
adik: lama tak jumpa. anak tak ikut?
pbmt: tak, dia kat rumah ngan cousins dia. lagi pun dah besar-besar nie, manalah nak ikut mak bapak dia
adik: how old is she?
pbmt: next year 15
adik: wah.. dah besar. masih satu lagi ke
pbmt: ya. one & only. dah rezeki tuhan...
adik: rugi ooo. kalau ada dua tiga baru okay
makcik: ye lah, rugi kalau ada satu jer. dapat lah dua tiga lagi
pbmt: ah, okay nanti saya cari kat supermarket
adik: hahahah
makcik: eh, mana ada. ingat anak tu barang ke
pbmt: eh, bukan ke?
they stopped at that... normally i wouldn't end the conversation with some uncalled for remarks (which is very unlike me but you know - respect the elders & all that) but this makcik cari pasal kan? sibuk sangat saper suruh???
oh, thanks y'all for your raya greeting & well-wishes...