caught the latest batman movie 'the dark knight' last week. two words - freaking awesome. not batman actually but the joker. and you bet that heath ledger makes a better joker than jack nicholson. not that i didn't like old man jack but heath is so yummily evil & more sinister.
everyone of us (i am sure) grew up with some superhero we used to idolize as kids. and when the character is brought to life in the movies, it brings back the nostalgic memories of them good ole days....when it was all about fun in the sun (no, back then we did not have to worry about the nasty effects of playing too long in the sun & sun-block).
so, i am paying tribute to them good & bad ones.....well, in my personal opinion at least. you may agree or disagree with me. hey, its my blog so i'll say what i want..... bugger off if you like kluang man or cicak man - cos i ain't got them in my list.
i heart him......
joker (played by the yummy but sadly late heath ledger). one of batman's many evil enemies, he is such a cheeky bad bad boy. classic quote from the movie - joker to batman 'you complete me' (also a famous quote that tom cruise uttered to renee zelleweger in jerry mcguire) & damn!! joker looks gorgeous in a nurse's outfit...
i heart her......
msytique (bodyliciously played by rebecca romijn) in xmen 1, 2 & 3 (where she is de-mutated, yeah yeah no such word. do i care??). she's a shape-shifter & kicks butt. if that ain't cool, i don't know what is. when magneto told her she had become one of them (ie human) when she was jabbed with the mutant tranformation medicine trying to protect him, she gave his hide-out details to the powers that be. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. gorgeous, sexy & with a vengeance....nice!!!
i heart them.....

iron man & his alter ego - tony stark, a billionaire who is so full of himself. and robert downey jr. plays him to a t. arrogant, flamboyant, thinks he is god's gift to women, expensive suits, hillside mansion, gorgeous cars.....sigh!!!! thought that gwyneth paltrow was not the perfect leading lady but was too busy staring at bob's hot bod.....

transformers - bumblebee, megatron, decepticon & all them wheels & hot rods. and what is hotter than megan fox & shia lebouf?? and the theme music by black sabbath - so totally out of this world (though i just want the instrumental version & wouldn't really mind if ozzy osbourne doesn't opened his mouth and drawl).
all time fave superheroes until.....
xmen. storm - awesome in the animated series but not so 'keng' in the movie. wolverine - too emo. cyclops - dead. jean - awesome as the villainess but then she had to die. somehow the movies made out the baddies under magneto seem so cool as opposed to professor x & his gang of merry men. after the last movie 'xmen - the last stand' with half of them heroes & the mentor dead, wonder what's gonna happen. anyone knows if they gonna make anymore xmen movies?
superhero i used to like but not anymore.... 
spiderman, aka peter parker the photographer for the daily bugle (daily planet, daily bugle - sensing a pattern here). after being bitten by a radioactive spider, he gets spiderlike powers - wall crawling, speed, agility & possibly the ability to mess up the house with cobwebs.... after the last spiderman instalment, i think i'll let this one pass. nemesis aplenty - the green goblin, doc ock, sandman, new goblin, venom & heavens-knows-who-else. only saving grace in the last movie? me thinks topher grace (of the 70s show) did a kick-ass job as venom
but i still like him as the geeky always-trying-to-get-into-donna's pants eric.
superhero i can live without......
everyone else's classic all time fave superhero, who can't seem to get that the
underwear in an
under garment - superman aka clark kent, reporter with the daily planet. all the geeky clark has to do is step into a phone booth, take of his glasses, comb his hair & 'ramos' (the jambul lah...the curl at his jendul??), rip off whatever he is wearing to conceal the fugly costume underneath & voila! its a bird its a plane, no its superman!!! superpowers include flying with the speed of light, x-ray vision (that explain his intense stare at lois), super strength, err what else ya??? nemesis numero uno - lex luthor (any others who have sworn superman's death?). well, i am not really a fan but i caught a couple of episodes of smallville (the tv series that chronicles superman's days as a teen before he developed a fetish for wearing red 'spenders outside) when astro was having one its infamous marathons. what i like from the series - kristin kreuk (the young & hot lois lane), michael rosenbaum (bald & sexy lex luthor) & the theme song 'save me' by remy zero. after watching the marathon, the first line of the song sounded like 'somebody s(h)ave me'. i kid you not!!
somebody s(h)ave meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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