i kissed a girl and i liked it....
many a times, some genius comes up with songs that contains lyrics that are either demeaning (normally to the women) or just downright stupid. and equally sad when the young kids are singing these latest hits away without realising what it means.
my humps (black eyed peas) - they say I'm really sexy, the boys they wanna sex me. they always standing next to me, always dancing next to me, tryin' a feel my hump, hump. lookin' at my lump, lump. you can look but you can't touch it, if you touch it i'ma start some drama, you don't want no drama, no, no drama, no, no, no, no drama. so don't pull on my hand boy, you ain't my man, boy, i'm just tryn'a dance boy, and move my hump. my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump. my lovely lady lumps (lumps) my lovely lady lumps (lumps) my lovely lady lumps (lumps) in the back and in the front (lumps) my lovin' got you.....
when i grow up (pussycat dolls) - when I grow up i wanna be famous , i wanna be a star, i wanna be in movies, when i grow up i wanna see the world, drive nice cars i wanna have boobies, when i grow up i wanna see me on tv, people know me, be on magazines, when i grow up fresh and clean number one chick, wanna step out on the scene....
call me a party pooper but some kids learn how to speak & understand a language by listening to songs. me & people as young as me (*smirk*) were lucky to be listening to the beatles, elvis presley, the osmonds, jackson five, james brown, sharifah aini, sudirman, p.ramlee, etc.... they gave us music that can be literally said to be food of the soul. how many kids these days know who the fab four is & can identify their hits. save for the recent release of 'across the universe' - many may not know of the treasures created at abbey road.
i do admit there are some good artistes these days who churn out some good music but honestly, ten years from now how many of them will still be considered a worthy song? tell me, how many of you out there still remember the lyrics of madonna's like a virgin or vogue (considered a big hit in their time). and you there (yes the same ones), how about the beatles imagine or let it be?
so last weekend, astro had one of its notorious marathons (you know where they air a certain series back to back for like the whole weekend). last week, it was on channel v - the parental control series. for those unfamiliar with what it is about, the series is about parents who can't stand their child's girlfriend or boyfriend for some reason & decide to choose candidates (one each from mom & dad) who then will date their child. and the present beau gets to sit with the parents and watch the dates on tv. at the end of the episode, the child will then decide whether they want to keep their annoying as hell beau or dump the ass & pick one of the parents' choice. interestingly the dumpees always have something nasty to say about the dumper... hmm, sour grapes much!!
i don't know why i was watching it but i caught like four of five series non-stop until it was giving me a headache. the thing i don't get is, are the american kids (the series features those in the age group of eighteen to twenty two or something like that) so dumb that they cannot realize that the other half is treating them like dirt? does it come to the extent that the parents have to intervene? maybe you say its just a reality show, so they behave like that... and while the parents are sitting with the kid's beau watching the dates on tv, they are oh so patient when the beau passes on sarky remarks about sex with the kid & other foul remarks.
i know if my daughter's friend or boyfriend (in future) would ever dare say such foul things, he would either fly off the balcony or be chased out of the house; and perhaps the daughter is banned from ever speaking to him again. perhaps the eastern value of respecting the elders & not shooting your mouth in front of them deters our youngsters from behaving as such.
hey, i am all for speaking your mind & letting yourself be heard. but not to the extent of being disrespectful & rude......remember that.
little miss sunshine
designs vary from bag with monograms ala lv, or even the carryalls ala tods. pray tell what can they possibly have in those bags? lets see, i am a mom and i have my car keys, house keys, coin purse, purse, pen, card holder, a note book, my cheque book & sometimes mints. my 14 year old daughter sometimes carries a sling bag where she puts in her phone, i-pod & possibly purse (or if she conveniently forgets this essential item, she'll just ask us to pay for whatever she's intending to buy).
just last weekend while walking in a shopping mall, i saw a little girl (probably about three feet & a couple of inches tall) trying on a pink furry tote for her mom to see. and she was already carrying a small shoulder bag. my my.... well, too many of them bags are never enough.
it won't be long before prada, gucci, lv, coach, tods & all the designers brands come out with miniature versions for them little miss sunshine. aww, isn't it a sight - mommy & daughter in matching bags & shoes?? well come to think of it, i think i once saw a mommy daughter doing a tag team with louis vuitton bags. *shudders*
animal crackers
when the daughter was just a baby, we brought her to a horse stable to get her familiar with animals. she was pretty excited but when we brought her up close to the horse, she refused to touch it & was scared. the animal trainer said it was normal for kids to be afraid but advised us to encourage the little one to have pets / contacts with animals to develop a sense of responsibility & confidence. so when me moved to a state down south, i started to take her to a horse riding range. she started out with the pony rides & i had to make sure that i was within her sight lest she let out a scream & demanded to get off the pony. i then decided to take riding lessons myself.
i was lucky that the manager of the stables was kind enough to give me a horse provided i pay for its meals & the caretaker a token for taking care of patches (thats the name of my horse). i used to ride almost every other day & brought the little one with me on some evenings to ride or at times, to help me groom or feed the horse. sure enough, she became more confident - even ran up to pat the horse (much to her dad's dismay that it might kick her). but patches was such a gentle creature. he allowed her to pat, or brush or feed him (his favourite). but ironically, he did not like my hubby. everytime my hubby tried to approach it, patches would kick its hind legs hitting the walls of the stable. and i am pretty sure the feeling was mutual on my hubby's part. but he would always make sure i bought enough food (biscuits, apples or carrots) for our four legged friend.
when we moved back to kl, sadly i could not bring patches along to be placed at some riding stable here (too expensive lah). anyways, we got a cat instead. and in a sense it is true, animals bring out the calm in you (until they decide to test your nerves by leaving their marks, or scratching your furniture) & they love you unconditionally (on condition however that you keep their stomachs full all the time, and brush them, and stroke them. well on some conditions anyway).
but you must also teach the kids to love & care for the animals, and not use them as some experiment or torment them. and if you know of anyone torturing them poor creatures, just call special people cruel animals (if any of you remember my earlier post, you should know what crap i am talking about).
on a quest........
and true enough, she found some gems at a steal - a metallica record, two hard to find cds. so now we are on a quest to find vinyl records of the old school bands / artistes & record players. we're gonna go a-hunting at the flea market this weekend to see what treasures lie waiting.
and also i have a friend in liverpool with whom i am arranging to get some items & sent to me. the daughter will have to wait & see what they are..... keeping my fingers crossed.
oh what a beautiful morning.....
well it started out as usual, sending the daughter to school. and as usual after that go cari makan isi perut. while driving i saw this teen walking to school & she only had in hand a couple of books. she wore green uniform so my guess is she's a prefect or librarian. i did not think much about it except that 'wah! lenggang kangkong gi sekolah, buku tak banyak'. until i saw her maid tagging along at the back carrying the girl's school bag. speak of spoiling the child, till the maid has to carry the bag for her. and she's all grown up, not like she's four years old.... not my problem but i was pretty peeved. i mean i have seen grand-parents or parents carrying their kids' bags in when my daughter was in primary; i mean i am not too fond of this idea too but then again some parents / guardian too tend to spoil the child a little too much. my daughter had a friend whose mum used to carry her bag for her all the way to the class on the 2nd floor right up the child was in year six. imagine that!!
then at the restaurant while having my thosai & reading the newspaper, i was distracted by two chinamen talking so loudly. okay, here they were talking to each other & get this, they weren't even seated at the same table. rather they were seated at two individual tables beside each other. then when i sneaked a glance at them, one of them was coolly picking his nose. and he spent a good five minutes or so doing it....ugh!!! talk about disgusting.
sigh... why do some people have such nasty habits??
i do, i don't, i think i do.......
"marriage should be easy & simple. personally, it is no different to going out or dating. i do not want to perceive it as something heavy."
"it should not be a burden or about each other's responsibility. it should simply be about love & enjoying each other's company and looking after one another."
so, here's the thing - is marriage as easy & simple as she puts it?
**no different to going out or dating? when you are dating, the guy puts the lady on a pedestal to worship, short of kissing the ground she walks on. they hold hands, he is the perfect gentlemen, nothing is good enough for his gal. the guy chauffeurs the girl everywhere she wants to go. i knew a girl whose boyfried who would wait for her to finish her class (which is about 6 hours) & he did this without fail every weekend. her boyfriend would send her to & pick her up from any place she wanted to go. if she was hanging out with her friends, he would be just 'somewhere nearby' waiting for her to call. i told her to savour it while it lasts 'cos after marriage, he's just pass you the car keys (if you can drive) or tell you to take the public transport.....
**do not want to perceive it as something heavy? it has been proven that men grow around the waistline after marriage (just a matter of how fast & how much they grow, it varies for different men). it has been said that it shows the men are in their happily ever after fairy tale & its a sign of prosperity. my take on that? these lazy asses are like guppies or gold-fishes who are always hungry & asking the wife 'anything to eat ah? hungry lah...' if as a bachelor, they could cook up a mean dish, after marriage they will just tell you 'alamak, lupa lah how to cook. lama tak masuk dapur. masak maggi boleh lah...' i should know, i am living that fairy tale now....how not to be heavy if you waist has expanded from 28" to 34"??? (ladies a tip - if your hubby says he's hungry like at 11pm, just tell him to drink water. its quite filling. he may sulk a while but soon enough he'll get used to it & probably drink water or cook maggi... i tried.)
** it should not be a burden or about each other's responsibility? yes, him nagging you & always checking what's for breakfast, lunch & dinner is a burden. LOL. and yes, it my sole responsibility to feed him....
**it should simply be about love & enjoying each other's company and looking after one another? yes, he also loves that i sit to accompany him & look at him eat his maggi...
but jokes aside, its not all about love (cos sometimes you just want to smack him on the head & tell him to piss off), or enjoying each other's company (honey, aren't you playing golf today? you haven't played in a while). along the way, you do fall out of love & as cliche as it is you need to find ways to keep it alive.
many couples i know stop dating after they get hitched. one jackass proudly claimed 'i haven't been to the movies with her(the wife) since we got married. it's such a waste of money...' and when you have kids, you can hardly go anywhere without them hanging on to the parents legs for dear life. worse still once they have memorized your number & know how to use the phone, you'll get a 'when / what time are you coming home?'
i have been married for what seems like eternity (ha ha) & trust me, it was and is a lot of hard work, tlc, patience, understanding, compromise & what-have-you to keep it going & alive. i love him to death (yes although i still want to smack him for being so bloody annoying) & we have been through so much - good & bad. his boss once gave him a metaphor just like a day before we got married.... "marriage is like a mini bus. here you are trying to get in while everyone else is trying to get out". needless to say i told his boss to shut up....
somebody s(h)ave me
i heart him......

i heart her......

i heart them.....

all time fave superheroes until.....

superhero i used to like but not anymore....

superhero i can live without......

everyone else's classic all time fave superhero, who can't seem to get that the underwear in an under garment - superman aka clark kent, reporter with the daily planet. all the geeky clark has to do is step into a phone booth, take of his glasses, comb his hair & 'ramos' (the jambul lah...the curl at his jendul??), rip off whatever he is wearing to conceal the fugly costume underneath & voila! its a bird its a plane, no its superman!!! superpowers include flying with the speed of light, x-ray vision (that explain his intense stare at lois), super strength, err what else ya??? nemesis numero uno - lex luthor (any others who have sworn superman's death?). well, i am not really a fan but i caught a couple of episodes of smallville (the tv series that chronicles superman's days as a teen before he developed a fetish for wearing red 'spenders outside) when astro was having one its infamous marathons. what i like from the series - kristin kreuk (the young & hot lois lane), michael rosenbaum (bald & sexy lex luthor) & the theme song 'save me' by remy zero. after watching the marathon, the first line of the song sounded like 'somebody s(h)ave me'. i kid you not!!
somebody s(h)ave meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
they say the darndest things
although i am not very much into politics (well yeah i read to be in the know ocassionally) & not bothered very much by political blogs, but of late i have been scouring the articles 'cos its brings on a chuckle or a laugh out loud moment. what makes me say so? well these are some of the excerpts of these smart-asses remarks that come straight from the horses' mouth. you be the judge....
"i heard he gave his statement to the aca and after that he was supposed to go to the kl police headquarters. but he went to his home instead of going to the ipk-kl, and he could not possibly be at the police headquarters at 2pm" - home minister datuk wan ahmad farid on why the police nabbed datuk seri anwar ibrahim before the 2pm deadline as agreed?
"we can do that too. if they really want to have war, we can show them war (to show our strength). we have thousands of mic youth (members). but they follow the law." - datuk seri samy vellu, describing the actions of demonstrators as 'war'
"the opposition can promise anything they want but the barisan government only makes promises they know they can keep. the barisan government is more realistic, we spend within our means" - datuk seri najib abdul razak
"nowhere in the history of the armed forces & police has the government given a 42% salary increment. the reward was for the struggles in maintaining peace & stability in the country" - datuk seri najib abdul razak
but somehow, i kind of miss our beloved datuk seri samy vellu. now that he is no longer active in the cabinet, we are somehow spared of the mindless things they shoot without thinking. he has been know to come up with hilarious remarks. i came across this here, one of which i thought extremely stupidly funny.
datuk sam: kita akan bina satu jambatan untuk orong-orong kampong di sini
pakcik: datuk sini takde sungai, buat apa bina jambatan?
datuk sam: kalau takde sungai, kita bina sungai!

maybe i'll go get amir muhammad's book (see pic).... and i'll add a column on the side of this blog & put in a quote a day. just for laughs!!!
me did its....
so i had to rinse off my feet before dipping them into the pool. put my feet gently into the water, where the temperature was a comfortable warm. then in a blink of an eye, the fishes were like all over my feet. i was laughing away initially cos it was so damn ticklish.
after a while, the tickling sensation is gone & replaced with pricking feeling (imagine getting pins & needles, yeah thats what it feels like). getting the tiny fishes nibbling ain't so bad. it's when the huge buggers (well huge if compared to the small fries in there) come a-eating, then you feel them sucking every dead cell out of you.
i had to shake them off a couple of times to get rid of them big fish & let the small ones have their feed. but then again seeing that mine were the only source of food this morning, they were swarming like no tomorrow. i had like half an hour to go, so i told one of the staff to put their feet into the water next to me. i pulled out mine just as she put her feet in. soon enough, the fishes swam over to her end to feed. aha!! now my turn. so i put my feet in & only get them tiny ones around me. about 5 minutes into the session, i am asking the guy manning the counter 'are we done yet?' & the bugger only laughs. geez....
anyways after the half hour feeding frenzy, i take my feet out pat them dry & there is no more dry skin at the heels. feels softer as well. maybe next time i will drag rajoo & rajoo's friend....20080714
bates motel

to protect & to serve?? yeah, right!!
ever since i was little, i never liked the coppers. i went for tuition at a place which is very near to a police station. in the evenings, the young policemen would be having a game of sepak takraw & if i passed by the station to go to my sister's house or for classes, they would whistle & say 'adik gi mana?'. yeah, i know they are only human but....
then there was another incident where i was stopped by a patrol car 'cos i was supposedly on my mobile while driving. i was stuck in a slow moving traffic & had one hand on the wheel while the other was against the ledge of the car window leaning my head on my hand while i was chatting with my daughter in the passenger seat.
pakcik polis (pp): cik pakai h/phone tadi masa memandu
me: tak, saya letak tangan kat sini (gesturing) & tengah berborak ngan anak saya
pp: kalau saya cek kereta awak & jumpa h/p camana?
me: memang ada dalam glove compartment tapi bateri dah 'kong'. kalau tak percaya, ceklah
pp: kalau saya cek, h/p tu boleh pakai, camana?
me: kalau cik on & h/p tu boleh pakai, cik boleh simpan h/p tu (wah that time i got balls man)
pp: okay, bawak sini h/p tu (after numerous attempts to turn on the phone only to have the battery dead signal & it automatically turning off, he returned the phone to me). okay, lain kali jangan buat lagi.
me : (had to have the last say lah) memang saya tak buat tadi camana nak buat lagi
pp: okay boleh jalan
me: terima kasih
i told my hubby what happened & he said i was damn brave to tell the police pakcik the things i said. betul lah, berani kerana betul & takut kerana salah.
anyways, the thing is - the igp has advocated 'clean' police not accepting bribes, supposed to help the public, yada yada yada. then you get stories like missing children whom they can't locate for the life of them (call lah interpol ke, special 'csi'like help ke, fbi ke, abc ke) but bala goes to a neighboring country, immediately boleh jumpa. the people who threw paint on the candidates house ke, car ke, terrorize the voters in the bus ke, during the recent election; they can find in the lubang cacing. how liddat??? go figure....
then today's article in the star where 2 police officers lodged a report against each other. one policeman (lets call him p1) unsatisfied with how the 'collections' (monthly bribes from illegal activities operators) were distributed, lodged a report citing the superior got a lion's share & the rank and file got peanuts and p1 in fact got nothing. in retaliation the superior, a seargant lodged a report citing that the p1 was selling the station's property to sell to scrap dealers.
firstly, what about the 'anti-rasuah' campaign. they are already committing a major offense by accepting bribes & now got the balls to lodge a complaint & make public. then selling station's property pulak?? aren't these funded by the publics money, ie the tax you pay?? geez, so much for to protect & to serve....
i always thought of their slogan / decals they affix on the patrol cars & the badges they wear - saya anti rasuah or don't bribe me. you should add on to that - saya anti rasuah, kawan saya tidak. don't bribe me, bribe my friend....
ode to queen
check out his perfomances in http://www.youtube.com/ or http://www.newtonfaulkner.com/. he's got some pretty cool songs of the indie folk songs genre. just don't mind the dreadlocks & the beard. isten & enjoy..........
where do you even begin.....
but what happens when you have hit your tolerance level at its max? when the person who is annoying you till kingdom come becomes your shadow - doing everything you do, saying what you say, trying so very hard to be you. they become clingy, and literally a pain where the sun don't shine. when you tick her off for being so god-damned annoying she either breaks down in tears (and thus you are crowned the meanest bitch on the face of the earth), or throws tantrum (and you feel like giving her two tight slaps and telling her to grow up), or worse still starts whacking you or throwing things.
i have come across people who have b.o problems. one girl - we tried telling her gently but she was really offended. look we had to okay... she was dealing with the company's clients. offended she was, but then later we noticed she was doing something about it. well anyways i have lost contact with her but according to a mutual friend she is planning to meet up - hope she has overcome the b.o problem.
another guy - because he was of a senior position in our company, we had our boss tell him. well needless to say, he too was offended & seemed to not know that the had a b.o problem. well everytime you are near, some is gagging, or covering their nose - it sort of sends out signals that something stinks right? then on one of his birthdays, we presented him with a barn & tharn toileteries set (i was responsible for getting the gift & i specifically asked the salesgirl for products to combat b.o). don't know how he took to receiving the gift but last i heard, the situation hasn't improved.
a couple of experiences i had with queen whiny. she can cry at the drop of a hat. well, all i know is i wasn't miss popular for a long time. everytime her hinny cried, the rest would ask me 'what did you do to her?' although at times it wasn't my doing at all. her crying seemed to be synonym to what i did. geez.... i even won a bet with my evil twin on who could make her cry or whine the most. i had free lunch for a week... god, i miss those days!! huargh huargh....
i am sure we have all had experiences as such.. how do you go around it?
i'm starting with the (wo)man in the mirror....
i guess as the ane passed on, the thought of recycling your items soon phased out maybe because of the simple fact that you did not know where to dispose of the recycables (yes, moi is also guilty of such). but having an environmentalist of a daughter helped in a sense that we have stopped to ask ourselves 'how can we, in a little way make a difference?'. yes, in a household of three, what we do is only a ripple in the ocean but a little goes a long way. i want to leave to my child & all precious to me, a healthier earth. so starting with the person we look at every time we look at the mirror, we have or are trying to:
- stop eating sharks fin soup due to the inhumane way the sharks are finned & thrown back into the sea to bleed to death. for more details go here. this delicacy used to be my fave especially when i was preggers with my first child. and the irony of it is she who made us stop. so there, no more sharks fin soup. (trust me, you don't want to get her started on lecturing on how its bad or what is contained in a cigarette. she tried that on a friend once & he simply doesn't smoke in front of her)
- reduce intake of meat both for environmental & health reasons
- bring our own shopping bags instead of using plastic bags. if we happen to do improptu shopping, if we can we'll just stuff it in my handbag if possible & if we really must use a plastic bag, try to put it all in one bag.
- separate our rubbish. we don't need those huge 'brown brown glass, paper blue blue' bins (remember the recycling campaign song, err i forgot the rest). for home use, you can buy the bins with lids from ikea & stack it up one on the other (view here). its neat, can be stored/tucked away neatly without being an eye-sore to store your recyclables till you have enough to put it out for disposal.
- use environmental friendly products & organic produce.
- plant greens. i have a little garden on my balcony with greens, vegetables & flowers. would like to add more but hubby grumbling too many already. baru nak ambik the lavender rose to replant. maybe i'll do it when he's not around (not that he would notice anyway).
- reduce energy consumption when & where possible.
wanna know what is your carbon footprint? try this. it also gives you tips on how to adopt new habits for a better earth.
i'm starting with the man in the mirror
i'm asking him to change his ways
and no message could have been any clearer
if you wanna make the world a better place
take a look at yourself & then make a change
michael jackson's man in the mirror
mind your own beezy-ness
i was previously doing the infamous hr in a company & has since left for more than a year now. see i stumbled into hr not by choice. my mentor (who sort of groomed me in this profession) said hr is a bridge between the employee & the management. we take care of the employees well-being while ensuring the company's policy are met. so it works both ways. you don't go and poke your nose into other people's business unless you have to. when there is no complaint or grievance, you see no evil hear no evil & speak no evil. its a thankless job, i tell you. but i have been appreciated for being the bestest grumpiest hr they have known. wow!! i have left a legacy....
after i left, they have had two hot-shots (or at least they seem to think so) head the department. one i had the chance of knowing albeit a very short time. wasn't too fond of her (yes, i am judgemental like that) & found her too kepochi & controlling. the other one (lets call him 'gt') i don't even know him & for sure he does not know me. apparently this duo's take on hr is jaga tepi kain orang & poke their boogered nose into everybody's business regardless, present company included although i am not drawing a pay-check from them anymore.
what the fuck!!!???? look i don't even know this gt for fucks sake. and he has the cheek to go round creating stories that i had an affair with a senior member of the company. apparently he was updating the personnels' file & thus brought this up to his subordinate. which dumbass updates a resignee's file?? when one has left the company, why would this shit for brains gt still keep the staff's file. and by bringing up this alleged affair, what is his intention? call me back to the company & charge me for misconduct???? maybe he wants to go down in history for charging and firing an ex-employee. i'd sure like to see that happen. well, he can go screw himself for all i care.
and pray tell, how would this dumbass gt come to the conclusion that this alleged affair took place? unless the guy i was screwing (supposedly) blow his own trumpet lah (lets call this one dikhead for he is truly one). okay, i reported to dikhead & was on good terms with him at one point (err, how else to get scrooge mcdikhead to approve staff benefits?? so i am manipulative, sue me). but i just couldn't stand him for having no balls & petty behaviour. told him off many a times & of course it reflected in the year end review. like i give a rat's ass.... so gt supposedly brought this up to his subordinate (where's the professionalism in that) but dare not bring it up to dikhead cos he wants to be in the good books. another ball-less bastard.
oh puhleeeez, even if i were to screw the bosses, i would definitely not pandang dikhead sebelah mata... kalau handsome, may consider lah. got money, worth the try lah. dikhead did mention to me once that supremo uno queried if we were an item. i told dikhead straight in his face 'ugh!! no way never in a million years'. hmmmmm, maybe i dropped his water face. flirt or sleep my way to the top??? no way, i have dignity & i definitely have something between my ears. if gt wants to screw dikhead, i won't blame him lah cos he's got shit for brains...
i was once likened to a sleeping cat - i will be quiet & mind my own business but if you step on my tail, i will bloody scratch you & your eyes out. so this gt better mind his fucking business & let sleeping cats lie......
you must listen & smell the roses
when you go to the gym & engage a personal trainer, he / she works out a program for you to help you achieve your goals - weight loss, fat loss, tone up, to run the marathon, yada yada. so i have got a slave driver for a pt. i do a lot of weight training & he creates devices that make me hurt in regions i never knew existed. all for a nicer firmer bum, curvier hips, flatter torso - i feel like just kicking him in the nether regions. yes, i am working out for a nicer bod & also to remain healthy & have stamina when i want to go for the whole day shopping marathon (yes i think they can help you with that too)
so okay, back to my story - i started going for yoga again the previous day after a long hiatus. the yoga instructor convinces me that i should do hatha yoga (more advance poses) but i am not kidding myself. never mind, let me start the basic yoga first. jangan nak pandai - pandai nanti tak pasal pasal jatuh macam nangka busuk. so after class i was asking her about the next day's class - sun salutation.
moi: sun salutation for one hour? you got to be kidding me. no other poses? must be boring
lg: you'll be surprised. i normally try for 8 sets but students normally give up after 6 sets. then i end up doing stretching poses. but you definitely sweat & it's good for weight loss
moi: hmm, maybe i'll try it tomorrow.
so yesterday, i went for the sun salutation session. bloody hell, while into the poses, she tells us that we are trying for 10 sets. probably if she told us at the beginning, we would have just rolled our mats & gone home. but she left it to us on how to do the chaturanga.
option #1 - for the more adventurous & yogi wannabes - from the plank pose, on your arms you are to lower your body towards the floor without touching it and sliding straight into the cobra pose;
option #2 - like 1 above, but not so challenging, you can actually rest on the floor before sliding into the cobra pose;
option #3 - from the plank pose, you bent your knees to touch the floor before bringing your chest & chin to the ground & thereafter sliding into the cobra pose.
to be safe, i started with option 3 alternating with option 1. when i felt my arms trembling i went back to option 3 & so on and so forth till we finally finished all 10 sets. there was this lady beside me (pretty young i would guess) who was up to challenging her body taking on option 1 from the very beginning. half way into the 10sets, i heard a loud thump. her arms weak from the pressure of carrying the body weight one time too many, gave way & instead of sliding into the cobra pose, she fell onto the mat. and the smart girl that she is, she took option 3 till the end.
what am i trying to get at here? no, no i am not promoting yoga although i am a firm believer that it is really good for your health (it has sort of 'cured' me of my sinus). what i am trying to advocate is you must listen to your body. when there are signs of breaking down, take a break, opt for a less hectic lifestyle. you know how it is that you work & work & work meeting deadlines. then at the end of it all, you collapse from fatigue & fall sick and never seem to recover for what seems like ages.
our body sends us signs - like just before you come down with a fever, your joints ache & you feel like shiate. or when you are getting the flu bug, you get a blocked nose & the sniffles. so what you do at this stage is up to you & will determine the state of your health. taking precautions (ie up your dose of vitamin c, tucking in for the night a tad earlier & having a good night sleep) may avoid the ailment all-together.
why am i writing this? because i have a few friends who are being worked to the bone. one who is not being allowed to take time off (not even medical leave) because there are a lot of work to be done. and the boss gives unrecorded leave but insists you take the laptop home to finish your work. and she promises me that end of this month, after the deadline she will take a week off. but then somehow i reminded her there is another deadline & so the rest will have to wait. so perhaps she will get her well deserved rest after she quits the moron of a boss.
another worked like there's no tomorrow & was so sick that she had to be admitted into the hospital for exhaustion. she had been given 3 weeks to recuperate & has rejoined the rat race yesterday. these are my good friends & i love them dearly. i only have their best interests at heart.
take a break will ya before i come see you & smack you in the head. and yes, i ponteng yoga today cos i can't feel my god-damn arms!!!
welcome to good life
on the other hand, i met up with a dear darling friend for lunch today & it was good to see her after so long. but she is going through a rough time & is in the process of healing. i know i was not of much help but i hope by lending an ear & assuring her that everything happens for a reason, is good enough.
its true - in the journey called life everything & i mean everything happens for a reason be it good or bad. and we being human, when its good we are happy & thank the one above. but when its bad, we blame the one up there for letting it happen to us, asking 'why me?'. do we thank the almighty for the good & bad that is bestowed upon us.
it's just a matter of time that why it happens, unravels itself. if we are lucky enough to realise it, it becomes a lesson to us & are grateful that it happened when it did. all you need is just a little patience, tlc from people who love & care about you & 'dear god' time.
life is what you make of it... its a short one, living on borrowed time. so make the best out of it. when all is well & rosy, laugh be happy. when life throws challenges at you, accept it & cry if you have to. and after all is said & done, you are welcomed to the good life.......
all good things come in threes
them three are going through a misunderstanding (well two of them anyway, that's why the 3rd is a mediator). this post is dedicated to them three, an insight to who they are or may be, whether they complement each other or its just a matter of time they strangle each other to death.... be it some truth or untruth in it...... hopefully, by the time i write my next post, it's just another day in paradise.
woman #1 - gargavel.
soul urge 50/5 - the song of you soul - variety is what drives her. for this reason travel, the arts, education and self expression are areas where she is likely to be found. freedom to choose, to move about without limitation, to absorb information and to observe life are imperative to her inner health & happiness. she craves stimulation and may be drawn to exhilarating adventures and death-defying sports. her sensual nature will lead the way.
personality 54/9 - people seem to be drawn to her for absolution. she emanate forgiveness, compassion and understanding. her charming & generous personality brings her love & good luck in abundance. many people will be attracted to her because of her idealistic & romantic nature. she expresses herself in the way she dresses, & it can range from dramatically bold to mystically romantic to "struggling artist".
expression 104/5 - she uses life changes like rungs on a ladder. growth, variety, beginnings & endings are constant elements in her life. she is able to let go of anything or anyone in order to further her growth. because of this ability, coupled with a talent for translating new ideas into logical, useful explanations, she would make a great teacher and/or writer. travel is something she is made for, even if only through her mind.
woman #2 - baby girl
soul urge 36/9 - her life revolves around giving & receiving love. her desire, however, includes the whole of humanity & a few races besides. compassion, passion & forgiveness make up her essence & she is very generous & impressionable. the fine arts call out to her & she may in fact have a master artist living inside of her.
personality 49/13/4 - she appears to be conservative, practical & hard working to those who spend time around her. people think of her as disciplined & focused, and thus they seem to automatically trust that she is reliable & honest too. some may think she does such a good job at her own responsibilities that they try to give her a few of theirs!
Expression 85 / 13 / 4 - she is the builder of the world. with her organized, efficient approach everything gets done right the first time. she emanates security & would sacrifice her own desires for family and anyone or anything else that she considered a responsibility. she has a relentless eye for value & quality and has the patience & determination to work for it.
woman #3 - mediator
soul urge 44/8 - achievement is her motivating force & she will take on the biggest challenge in order to make the longest strides. she will often be chosen as the leader in groups and in functions where organization, strength and determination is needed. psychology interests her because it enables her to understand the people she is leading, as well as the competition. inside, she has the need to excel.
personality 43/7 - there is an air of mystery and secrecy about her. she is poised & sophisticated, & prefers to dress in a clean, well-groomed & understated way. she seems unapproachable to others because of her introspective & analytical temperament. she is the philosophical loner, the probing seeker, and only those of like-mind really understand.
expression 87/15/6 - family & home are her main interests. she knows how to nurture & accept anyone, therefore many are drawn to her including those that others call 'strays'. she has an eye for anything beautiful & her home is sure to reflect this, no matter what her budget is. she is proud of all her possessions & especially of the talents of her family members. her generous, creative nature makes her the ideal host or guest at a party.
don't ask me what them numbers mean but if you want to give it a shot, go to http://www.numberquest.com/knowledge_free_numerology_calculator_name.php. there is some truth in it, if you ask me....
ps. i've tried putting an easier link to the url above, but some friends had problems accessing it. so i have put it there in its full glory