the sixth formers of '87/88 met up again two years later...this time we had the pleasure of the presence of our teachers & guest of honor was our principal, whom i would fondly refer to as mr. c...
didn't know what to expect.. would they remember us? would we remember them? well of all the teachers who came, only one taught my class. it was kinda embarrassing when all of us who were seated at one table who were from the same class (all the grand nine & one castaway of us) could not for the life of us remember what subject he taught us.. "sejarah melayu lah"... "no lah maths lah"... "we had sejarah melayu???" went round and round and round and yet we were none the wiser. so we said "you know what, why don't we just ask him?"...we did, and the horror!! he didn't remember teaching our class... ah well twenty three years on...must be the age factor... or that we weren't paying attention..all ten of us. surprisingly none of the smart asses from our class attended, i wonder why... i bet they would have remembered.
so anyways, moi was fashionably late. late. yes. fashionably. well i'd like to think so. ahaks!! i have no shame... and the evening started (really guys, you didn't have to wait for me you know). ahahahahahhaha... started off with the ice breaker..weird one that was. for a minute there i swore he was showing some pg13 or pg42 porn for the uninitiated... [note to self : when trying to avoid boring ice breaker sessions, use loo at the most bottom floor at the hotel on the other side of the street]. but all in all, it wasn't so bad. we survived. mr. c reminisced on how he ended up in the school and what he had to go through to turn the school around.
you know how they say time flies when you're having fun. well i must say, that two years in that school was the best time of my life -carefree, no worries in the world save for exams & it went by so fast that before you know it, twenty three years on it's a sense of deja vu when we seem them familiar faces, the familiar names. everyone spent the evening exchanging stories & having a good laugh.. it was a simple, yet beautiful event. we were just so comfortable with each other and it's like we never left school. all that was missing were us in uniforms, the infamous mr. c's canes and the pond that had us all curious on what was in it.
we are glad that we had the opportunity to show our gratitude to the educators who played a part in making us who we are - the persons we have become today, successful in our own right. we have only but a simple thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

so at the end of it all, it turned out great. lets not wait for the next twenty three years.