likely & kindly

Mr. Blur brings me this letter to vet & to edit where possible

On behalf of (the company's name), we would like to thank you for your very generous and kindly sponsorship of (gift item description) on our Second Annual Dinner (dinner theme).

Our Second Annual Dinner (dinner theme) will not be successful one without your support to the event.

Thank you once more for your generous and kindly sponsorship over the event. Your support is not something we take likely and is very much appreciated by everyone connected with the club.



i'm with...

Mr. Blur puts through a phone call for me and this conversation ensues... (for the uninitiated, Dato' Sri is a title/honor bestowed by the royal family to some prominent individuals in the country, akin to the title Lord or Sir)

Him: PJ, Syerin from Dato' Sri on the line for you...
Me: Who's Syerin? Which Dato' Sri?
Him: I don't know, maybe Dato' Sri Koh (he's one of the directors of the company)
Me: (confused cos Dato' Sri Koh's PA is a guy named Peter) Err, okay...

After taking the call, I realise that Syerin is the PA to another Dato' Sri in a another company. So I approach Mr. Blur and this follows:

Me: You do know that there are more than 1 Dato' Sri in Malaysia right? Not every Dato' Sri who call is Dato' Sri Koh...
Him: Oh I thought when she said Dato' Sri, it was Dato Sri Koh cos he's the only Dato' Sri we always encounter....




Fun & Useless Facts #1

For the heck of it, I am now answering questions via an SMS quiz with the help of the internet of course. Don't know who is right though...and I came across a site with fun (and useless??) facts.. One interesting one though...

'A domestic cat can frighten a black bear to climb a tree'

Tch!! They haven't seen MY domestic cat yet... tell me you think this one can scare a black bear up a tree??!!

House lizard also is questionable already (previous post remember??)

we are different but same-same

I consider myself to be truly lucky to be a Malaysian. We live in a country that has a diverse ethnicity. And with that comes the different languages, cultures, beliefs, food (the most important of the lot!!)...

Came across this ad in Facebook & Youtube. Quite funny...

Hmmmm, sambal udang petai!! Yummmmmmm