Someone dear to me once said "Success is not how much money you have but how happy & contented you are with your life"...
I may be wrong if I did not quote her word for word but it was something to that effect. And I like this quote.
Yes, you may say we need money. I am not denying that we don't. We do, for the necessities. But in life, sad as it may seem - money is never enough. We are always wanting to add that one extra zero to the amount we earn. And soon enough, we become slaves to it. I know many a people who earn quite a handsome living but are constantly worrying about making more moolah.
The hubby & I went through that phase once. We weren't filthy rich but comfortable enough. But sadly, we weren't that happy. To cut a long story short - like they say 'easy come easy go'. We lost some if not all in some not so wise investments & then some.
We stuck through thick & thin. And realised that in life, is not always about the money. There are more important things than that. Many a times too, I have sacrificed my job for my family. And my bosses always are taken by surprise when I turn down the offer & simply tell them "It's not about the money. It's my family that matters."
Now, we have enough - enough to buy what we like, to make do with what we have, to live within our means, enough to be happy. We have family who mean the world to us, we have friends who matter to us. What more can I possibly want??
If that is how success is measured, yes then I have succeeded!!