Last Saturday, the daughter & I went to a street-market at Sunway Giza. Quite interesting really...
Walking by, something by Anna Sui caught my eye. Soon enough, I recognized a familiar face. So I thought maybe we should get the eyebrow threading done since we were already there. While the daughter was getting hers done, I 'kepoh-ed' to the next stall.
There was some palmistry thing going on. Normally I am not one into predicting the future & all that jazz. But this one claims to tell us about the kind of person we are and some fortune telling. So I thought, ah what the heck. So, here's me in a nutshell...
Un - I'm loving caring with affection. I am a very passionate person & I love with all of me
Dos - I have a restless & active mind. Always thinking, I need to learn how to 'let go'
Tres - I am very self-concious person. Or in other words, vain....
Quattro - I am very 'self-sacrificial'. No, no I don't lay there waiting to be slaughtered. I am very committed & give 101% into whatever I do
Cinco - career wise I should be in Finance, Computers (seriously?? Me? I can picture some people I know laughing their asses off). So anyways, she asks me what I do & I tell her, and she seems to okay my choice of work. So yeah...
Seix - I am a perfectionist & have very high standards in work & anything else..
Siete - Just like two-face, seems I have a split personality split mind (whatever that means). I can be crazy, imaginative, woo-hoo...
Ocho - I am a Crystal Cup (ah crap!! whatever). I am one who must be treasured and not chucked to one side & disregarded... I dislike being taken for granted. I need to be respected. (???)
Nueve - I am worthy of any man's love
Diez - I am a good parent. My family is lucky to have me. My hubby cos I love him to death & am committed. My daughter cos I have laid the right foundation..and yes I love her to death too..
All good you say? Well I was lucky to have met the palmist as I am nearing my 41st birthday. Seems I am putting my turbulent years (30 - 35) behind me although there is a wee bit remnant, nothing too big just a wee little teacup.
Seems I am heading into my 40s with plenty of blue skies and sunshine. She says I may be travelling in the near future, possibly due to work or just for some fun in the sun. I'd rather the latter than the former though..
So, here's to my 40s - bring it on!!
MCP & me
If there is one thing that really irks me is an MCP male.
Just this afternoon, I had a lunch gathering with some friends from high school. So I asked this guy where his missus was cos back then I liked her. She was friendly and jovial, well a nice person. Seems they were high school sweethearts and now married with 2 kids or 3, I don't know. So anyways, to answer my question he very calmly replied "Woman stay at home lah.." facial expressions and all. I was quite taken aback, I thought he was joking. So I asked him "Sorry? You serious?"
"Ya lah, woman should stay at home what when the husband wants to go out with his friends." came the reply. I was irritated but kept my comments to myself. I didn't know him all too well though I was probably giving him the benefit of the doubt (of what, I do not know).
Then a couple of us started talking and another guy was just commenting how he had to travel the night before from up north so that he could have lunch with us. Lucky, he says to have had his wife drive all the way back while he slept. Mr.MCP went "Hah? How can you let your wife drive? You don't let a woman drive..."
What??? Again I bit my tongue. Then another husband and wife team arrived and said their hellos as they settled for small talk and food. Once again, the question on MCP's wife came up. And not learning his lesson, MCP gave the same reply.
Enough!! I was irritated beyond anything. I gave him an earful on his jakun thoughts and although he tried to change the topic I refused to budge. The others who were around us couldn't help but laugh and advised him to make any such remarks anymore.
Needless to say, he is not in my 'people I look forward to meeting & having a chat with', come next get-together.
Just this afternoon, I had a lunch gathering with some friends from high school. So I asked this guy where his missus was cos back then I liked her. She was friendly and jovial, well a nice person. Seems they were high school sweethearts and now married with 2 kids or 3, I don't know. So anyways, to answer my question he very calmly replied "Woman stay at home lah.." facial expressions and all. I was quite taken aback, I thought he was joking. So I asked him "Sorry? You serious?"
"Ya lah, woman should stay at home what when the husband wants to go out with his friends." came the reply. I was irritated but kept my comments to myself. I didn't know him all too well though I was probably giving him the benefit of the doubt (of what, I do not know).
Then a couple of us started talking and another guy was just commenting how he had to travel the night before from up north so that he could have lunch with us. Lucky, he says to have had his wife drive all the way back while he slept. Mr.MCP went "Hah? How can you let your wife drive? You don't let a woman drive..."
What??? Again I bit my tongue. Then another husband and wife team arrived and said their hellos as they settled for small talk and food. Once again, the question on MCP's wife came up. And not learning his lesson, MCP gave the same reply.
Enough!! I was irritated beyond anything. I gave him an earful on his jakun thoughts and although he tried to change the topic I refused to budge. The others who were around us couldn't help but laugh and advised him to make any such remarks anymore.
Needless to say, he is not in my 'people I look forward to meeting & having a chat with', come next get-together.
of butts, chest & flirts
Get your minds out of the gutters!!
I got a post on my wall about some guy answering questions about me like 'Do you think PJane is a flirt? Do you think PJane is a virgin? Do you think PJane has a nice chest?' stuff like that. And to find out who said yes or no to the question you have to earn points to unlock and access. To earn them you must answer the sames questions about your friends in your contact list. And you are only limited to answering 75 questions a day. And to bloody unlock you need 50 points.
Kind of boring seeing that you only have the Yes, No or Skip option. When it came to the 'Do you think ... is a virgin?' and the person in question is the nephew, I want to put 'He better be!!' And when I was honest enough to say yes when they asked if someone had a cute butt, he was coincidentally online found it hilarious & sent me a message. Well I do give credit when and where it's due.
So when I earned my first 75 points, I unlocked the first of my results - Have you ever had a crush on PJane? to which someone answered yes. Unlocked & its a person of the same gender. Awww... sweet.
Now to find out who thinks I had a crush on them... Try it, who knows who has been admiring your butt or your chest
I got a post on my wall about some guy answering questions about me like 'Do you think PJane is a flirt? Do you think PJane is a virgin? Do you think PJane has a nice chest?' stuff like that. And to find out who said yes or no to the question you have to earn points to unlock and access. To earn them you must answer the sames questions about your friends in your contact list. And you are only limited to answering 75 questions a day. And to bloody unlock you need 50 points.
Kind of boring seeing that you only have the Yes, No or Skip option. When it came to the 'Do you think ... is a virgin?' and the person in question is the nephew, I want to put 'He better be!!' And when I was honest enough to say yes when they asked if someone had a cute butt, he was coincidentally online found it hilarious & sent me a message. Well I do give credit when and where it's due.
So when I earned my first 75 points, I unlocked the first of my results - Have you ever had a crush on PJane? to which someone answered yes. Unlocked & its a person of the same gender. Awww... sweet.
Now to find out who thinks I had a crush on them... Try it, who knows who has been admiring your butt or your chest
the sign
Of late, the hubby has been telling me stories about how his friends are taking on spouse number 2. One guy it seems, took on a 'GRO' from a neighboring country much to his brethren's disapproval simply cos they've been there done that (if you get what I mean)...
Then just last week, he told me something that quite surprisingly took me even, by surprise. No, no he didn't add-on a family member to our present one. A colleague in his company did. Although a bit surprised, but I didn't think much about it. Until the hubby told me who no 2 is. First he asked me to guess. A name came to mind but I didn't want to speculate. So I just told him to dish out the dirt. Seems, I was right all along. He married the secretary. Go figure!!
So anyways seems the guy dropped the bomb (or more like the shiate!!) to number 1 yesterday to which her reaction was... You guessed it!! She freaked out!! She called everyone she could think of to verify his claim. Of course men being men would normally deny all knowledge. To cut a long story short, the whole office knows about this drama & it's adding a bit of spice to their mundane daily paper-pushing job.
But anyways, the hubby was also saying how it was funny that he was now addressing no 1 by name and no longer 'my Mrs. or my wife'. I tell him that maybe that's how it is. I asked the hubby then how he addresses me to his friends. He replies "My wife or my Mrs." I told him probably it's to stop further interrogation as in when the guy says 'my wife' to which the reply could only be 'which one?'. So wouldn't it be easier to just address them by the name, short & sweet, no? Well, one of the signs a woman can tell that she has been demoted from Home Minister, I suppose. Here in the office, we refer to them as Part 1, 2, 3 or 4...
Then I was telling the hubby about his sister's reaction if she ever found out that she had been demoted. Seems she would simply file for a divorce and take all the kids with her. Hubby was curious about how my reaction would be. I simply told him 'I would make your life a living hell.' And stupidly he asked me "You don't sayang me anymore ah?" to which I could only say "Well, if you do something stupid & think with your d!(k, then no I don't sayang you anymore" & he could only laugh out loud.
Then just last week, he told me something that quite surprisingly took me even, by surprise. No, no he didn't add-on a family member to our present one. A colleague in his company did. Although a bit surprised, but I didn't think much about it. Until the hubby told me who no 2 is. First he asked me to guess. A name came to mind but I didn't want to speculate. So I just told him to dish out the dirt. Seems, I was right all along. He married the secretary. Go figure!!
So anyways seems the guy dropped the bomb (or more like the shiate!!) to number 1 yesterday to which her reaction was... You guessed it!! She freaked out!! She called everyone she could think of to verify his claim. Of course men being men would normally deny all knowledge. To cut a long story short, the whole office knows about this drama & it's adding a bit of spice to their mundane daily paper-pushing job.
But anyways, the hubby was also saying how it was funny that he was now addressing no 1 by name and no longer 'my Mrs. or my wife'. I tell him that maybe that's how it is. I asked the hubby then how he addresses me to his friends. He replies "My wife or my Mrs." I told him probably it's to stop further interrogation as in when the guy says 'my wife' to which the reply could only be 'which one?'. So wouldn't it be easier to just address them by the name, short & sweet, no? Well, one of the signs a woman can tell that she has been demoted from Home Minister, I suppose. Here in the office, we refer to them as Part 1, 2, 3 or 4...
Then I was telling the hubby about his sister's reaction if she ever found out that she had been demoted. Seems she would simply file for a divorce and take all the kids with her. Hubby was curious about how my reaction would be. I simply told him 'I would make your life a living hell.' And stupidly he asked me "You don't sayang me anymore ah?" to which I could only say "Well, if you do something stupid & think with your d!(k, then no I don't sayang you anymore" & he could only laugh out loud.

do not covet thy neighbor's...!!
This afternoon, I offered the boss some cookies I brought (and bought) from home. Just a while ago, I thought of munching a cookie or two seeing that my tum-tum was giving signals 'feed me!!'. I go into his room to look for my container of cookies but can't see it anywhere on his desk.
Then I open his cupboard and there hidden in it is my container of cookies. Tsk!! Lucky for him I always have Plan B.
This afternoon, I offered the boss some cookies I brought (and bought) from home. Just a while ago, I thought of munching a cookie or two seeing that my tum-tum was giving signals 'feed me!!'. I go into his room to look for my container of cookies but can't see it anywhere on his desk.
Then I open his cupboard and there hidden in it is my container of cookies. Tsk!! Lucky for him I always have Plan B.
bags for a car
My greatest weakness?? Shoes. And. Bags. Then again, isn't that all women's weakness? Just last month I got a new bag.
And as usual after an extravagant purchase, I would tell myself "No more bags for 1 year" when I am being dramatic; or "No more bags for 3 months" when I'm being realistic.
So this time when I got the bag I've been dreaming of, I dramatically declared to the hubby "Sumpah, tak beli bag for the next 1 year" to which he coolly replied "We'll see". Yes, I can be a drama queen sometimes.
Then two days ago, I got another one. Hey I didn't ask for it, he bought it. And who told him to allow me into the boutique.
Then while we were lounging away waiting for the girl to pack and give it to me in their nice paper bag, ribbons & all...he asked me "All your bags combined, the value can buy a car already or not?" Not yet lah!! If I get the much coveted Hermes Birkin, then can probably get a car.
To which he could only roll his eyes... & yet he never learns!!
And as usual after an extravagant purchase, I would tell myself "No more bags for 1 year" when I am being dramatic; or "No more bags for 3 months" when I'm being realistic.
So this time when I got the bag I've been dreaming of, I dramatically declared to the hubby "Sumpah, tak beli bag for the next 1 year" to which he coolly replied "We'll see". Yes, I can be a drama queen sometimes.
Then two days ago, I got another one. Hey I didn't ask for it, he bought it. And who told him to allow me into the boutique.
Then while we were lounging away waiting for the girl to pack and give it to me in their nice paper bag, ribbons & all...he asked me "All your bags combined, the value can buy a car already or not?" Not yet lah!! If I get the much coveted Hermes Birkin, then can probably get a car.
To which he could only roll his eyes... & yet he never learns!!
1 dose 2 times a day
How does it feel like having a taste of your own medicine? Are you able to take it as well as you can dish it out?
The daughter has inherited the sharp tongue & sarky wit from me. Sometimes when she has a comeback line that stops me right in my tracks, all I can think of is - serves me right. Then a friend commented 'Sometimes, it's good to get a taste of your own medicine kan.'
This morning the hubby was reading about how some guy forked out RM17k to marry a mail-order bride and was cheated when he found out she was already married in her country. Hubby commented that for that kind of money, he should be able to get hitched to a local girl. Or do they cost more than that, he asks. I shrug... His comeback almost chokes me & I very nearly spat out my drink at him. "Ya, the local girls probably cost more what with the Chanels, Pradas, LVs & Giuseppe Zanottis..."
The daughter has inherited the sharp tongue & sarky wit from me. Sometimes when she has a comeback line that stops me right in my tracks, all I can think of is - serves me right. Then a friend commented 'Sometimes, it's good to get a taste of your own medicine kan.'
This morning the hubby was reading about how some guy forked out RM17k to marry a mail-order bride and was cheated when he found out she was already married in her country. Hubby commented that for that kind of money, he should be able to get hitched to a local girl. Or do they cost more than that, he asks. I shrug... His comeback almost chokes me & I very nearly spat out my drink at him. "Ya, the local girls probably cost more what with the Chanels, Pradas, LVs & Giuseppe Zanottis..."
freaky fryday
This morning I was browsing FB for a while. Suddenly a 'friend' starts chatting. He starts by going 'Hi' & I reply the same. Then sticking to the cliche 'How's the weather in your part of the world?'
I go 'huh? Aren't you supposed to be in the same country I am?' And he tells me to take a chill pill as he is just asking a harmless question.
So then I tell him that I only know him as C's husband. He confirms the fact. Then he asks me how I know C. I tell him that she was my school mate. He tells me that good friends are hard to come by & he has this friend from back in school since he was 5.
I tell him 'Good for you' & sign off.
I had the habit of accepting just about anyone who wanted to be my friend in FB. A couple of them okaylah we chatted through messages but no one was this 'weird'
Now, I just decline those I do not know. The ones I kenal pun I hardly have time to keep in touch, whatmore people I hardly know.
So, what's the dosage on my chill pill again???
I go 'huh? Aren't you supposed to be in the same country I am?' And he tells me to take a chill pill as he is just asking a harmless question.
So then I tell him that I only know him as C's husband. He confirms the fact. Then he asks me how I know C. I tell him that she was my school mate. He tells me that good friends are hard to come by & he has this friend from back in school since he was 5.
I tell him 'Good for you' & sign off.
I had the habit of accepting just about anyone who wanted to be my friend in FB. A couple of them okaylah we chatted through messages but no one was this 'weird'
Now, I just decline those I do not know. The ones I kenal pun I hardly have time to keep in touch, whatmore people I hardly know.
So, what's the dosage on my chill pill again???
one man's stupidity....
...becomes my responsibility.
Remember the 25 year old Group Accountant I talked about in my previous post. Well today we found out that he thinks the mileage from KL to Singapore & back is 2200km & he approved claims for that.
Now thanks to his stupidity & complete moron state of mind, I have to come up with an effing table for distances from KL to the different locations of our offices & clients.
Although it's as simple as checking it up in Google, I'm just gonna delay for the sake of it. I made the excuse that it will take time to collate.
Beats me how some people are so duh!!??
Remember the 25 year old Group Accountant I talked about in my previous post. Well today we found out that he thinks the mileage from KL to Singapore & back is 2200km & he approved claims for that.
Now thanks to his stupidity & complete moron state of mind, I have to come up with an effing table for distances from KL to the different locations of our offices & clients.
Although it's as simple as checking it up in Google, I'm just gonna delay for the sake of it. I made the excuse that it will take time to collate.
Beats me how some people are so duh!!??

tied to the apron strings
Was reading some blogs I follow & came across this which I found somewhat funny. Reminds me of when I called our present Group Accountant to come in for a interview & he ask for the office address.
When I gave it to him, he asked me for directions. So I tried explaining it to him on how to get here. Then he coolly told me 'Never mindlah, I'll ask my parents how to get there or maybe they can send me there.'
What? This guy is 25 years old and his parents are still driving him around? And they want HIM to be the Group Accountant?? Seriously?
Well, in any case he got the job. Don't ask me how.
When I gave it to him, he asked me for directions. So I tried explaining it to him on how to get here. Then he coolly told me 'Never mindlah, I'll ask my parents how to get there or maybe they can send me there.'
What? This guy is 25 years old and his parents are still driving him around? And they want HIM to be the Group Accountant?? Seriously?
Well, in any case he got the job. Don't ask me how.
cinema etiquette...
Caught Ironman 2 on Saturday. Well this post is not a review of the movie itself but the fact that can somebody out there put a rule that parents should not bring toddlers or kids to watch movies if they can't sit still what more shut up.
Firstly we fork out 40 bucks for a ticket to watch the movie in comfort. Then we get nice seats at the back row where its not too near to the screen.
Then arrives a family with like 6 or 7 kids in tow. Noisy kids. Healthy rotund kids who can't stop eating & throwing popcorn at each other. Kids who recite the story to their friend next to them. Kids who have enough fat to keep a country warm but keep buzzing to get blankets lah, order nuggets lah, who go "Oooo, she's allergic to strawberries hahahahah" (referring to Gwyneth's Pepper Potts allergy to them berries).
Then next to us, a young couple with 2 kids in tow. One about 2 years old & his sister about 4 years old probably. Kejap-kejap nak kencing lah, and god knows what else. They kept interrupting our view of the screen by going in and out of the cinema. Buka pintu tak reti nak tutup balik. They knock into your chair, they don't bother to say excuse me or sorry. We push the chair into upright position to allow them to pass, no thank you. Then the kids start running around and the son goes "Ini bukan citer monster punnnnnn." I was on the verge of telling them 'Nak tengok citer monster, balik rumah tengok Ultraman lah" but just then the robots started a warfare and the kids ran to hide behind the parents' chairs.
Irritating enough for me to 'shush' them and tell them to keep quiet. Irritating enough for me to tell the girl at the ticket counter to provide masking tapes next time parents bring along their noisy kids.
Pity the hubby, he was trying to enjoy the movie but the kids simply irritated the socks off him. But being the kind soul he is, he can't bring himself to tell them to shut it.
Some people should just be barred from the or adults likewise.
Firstly we fork out 40 bucks for a ticket to watch the movie in comfort. Then we get nice seats at the back row where its not too near to the screen.
Then arrives a family with like 6 or 7 kids in tow. Noisy kids. Healthy rotund kids who can't stop eating & throwing popcorn at each other. Kids who recite the story to their friend next to them. Kids who have enough fat to keep a country warm but keep buzzing to get blankets lah, order nuggets lah, who go "Oooo, she's allergic to strawberries hahahahah" (referring to Gwyneth's Pepper Potts allergy to them berries).
Then next to us, a young couple with 2 kids in tow. One about 2 years old & his sister about 4 years old probably. Kejap-kejap nak kencing lah, and god knows what else. They kept interrupting our view of the screen by going in and out of the cinema. Buka pintu tak reti nak tutup balik. They knock into your chair, they don't bother to say excuse me or sorry. We push the chair into upright position to allow them to pass, no thank you. Then the kids start running around and the son goes "Ini bukan citer monster punnnnnn." I was on the verge of telling them 'Nak tengok citer monster, balik rumah tengok Ultraman lah" but just then the robots started a warfare and the kids ran to hide behind the parents' chairs.
Irritating enough for me to 'shush' them and tell them to keep quiet. Irritating enough for me to tell the girl at the ticket counter to provide masking tapes next time parents bring along their noisy kids.
Pity the hubby, he was trying to enjoy the movie but the kids simply irritated the socks off him. But being the kind soul he is, he can't bring himself to tell them to shut it.
Some people should just be barred from the or adults likewise.
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