It is indeed disturbing when you read about death of infants which may be due to the caretaker's negligence. It makes you think 'What is wrong with these people?'. It was recently reported in the dailies about a death of a month year old infant who starved to death after his parents who were drunk shitless forgot to feed him (here for complete article) & in today's papers an interesting letter sent in by a reader in NZ.
I quote from the letter - If one mentions the term “child negligence”, one would instantly define it as bad parenting. Child negligence is not just bad parenting. It is also classified as a kind of abuse in which the parents do not medically, physically and emotionally nurture a child well enough to ensure that he or she grows up healthy and safe. Moreover, one would quickly assume that child negligence is commited by irresponsible parents from dysfunctional or lower income families who choose to take drugs or alchohol instead of being responsible caregivers. This is not true. Child negligence occur in any family, regardless of the socio-economic background, age, appearance, skin colour and ethnicity. It takes place in advanced societies, too. We should not be surprised if the trend is apparent even among middle or high income families. Child negligence no longer involves parents who have substance, drinking or behavioural problems. Negligence now comes in the form of parents who think maids and teachers can take their place in raising the children. This also applies to the hedonistic and materialistic sort who prefer partying, shopping, having fun with their friends and socialising rather than spending quality time with their children.
Just this morning I was chatting with a friend who wanted some advise on some problems her son was having in school. I can understand her being protective over him what with him being a sensitive child & with certain shortcomings which he can overcome given time, lots of guidance, patience & tlc. But I firmly believe that she should let loose the apron strings a bit & let him learn through these experiences, good or bad. I believe that her son is on the right track & she only needs to constantly teach him to stand up for himself, be tougher & wisen up to his 'bullies'.
Then as I was driving back after fetching the daughter from school, she tells me of her classmate who came to school with gucci bags & a cup of coffee. She fell asleep during one of the lessons & apparently after being queried, she told of how she sneaked out of the house at an ungodly hour this morning to lepak in a fast food outlet till it was time to go to school.
Seems the guy who masterminded this get-together is a senior who 'stole' the parents car to pick them up. While the rest of them headed for school straight after their rendezvous (what they were doing in that outlet for four hours in the wee hours of the morning baffles me & for the hell of it, they cannot possibly be studying), the smarty-pants drove back, parked the car & then went to school and made do like nothing happened.
Now, I am curious - how did these kids get away with this? Did the parents wake up this morning, found their child absent & go 'Oh, they have probably left for school?'. I mean, really? If you as a mother wakes up at six in the morning, goes to the child's room to wake them up only to find they are not there, would you assume that your child has left for school? Seriously, which teenager is eager to jump out of bed & go to school at six in the morning. They would only do that if its the last day of school and the start of a long semester break. That too, provided they don't have some boring penceramah drumming some nonsensical stuff (like buat lah benda berfaedah masa cuti anda) into their ear passage which can only go in one & out the other.
As much as we parents want to protect them all the time, sometimes it is very difficult to & we have to watch them fall (physically, literally). It hurts us more than it does them but we have to hold back & trust they will come out of it stronger. If a child fails & feels bad, it is up to us to tell them it's okay, to tell them that it's not so bad after all. Let them know that whatever they achieve or whatever they fail to, we are there for them - loving them, encouraging them, just being there if they need a shoulder to cry on, or just to listen & if we are lucky enough, words of wisdom.
Nobody said parenting is easy. It's tough, challenging with lots of laughter, tears, pain, anger but somebody's got to do it. Would I go through what I did with my child all over again? In a heartbeat & a thousand times over...
To the daughter if you are reading this, always know that I am here for you no matter what & that I love you to death. But all this talk about failing doesn't give you the license to slack off & say "But you said..." Yes, I do love you with all my life but I will not hesitate to smack some senses into that pretty little head of yours...
more than meets the eye
Am so looking forward to this movie. You can bet your ass I'll be in the queue the minute they start selling the tickets...
we'll have that to go...
The yoga instructor sms-ed me yesterday asking how I felt after the excruciatingly torturous ninety minutes Pilates class in the morning. It hurt in places I never knew existed before but I guess I'll live another day...
Then she asks if I know of any food delivery services as she is a spinster & eats out daily. I told her I would ask around but unfortunately not many people I are know subscribe to such services. But it seems the going rate is anything from RM150 to RM180 per head per month for one meal a day (weekdays only) with three dishes. So that works out to about RM7 - RM9 a meal.
So I text a friend who is in the food business & he gives me the idea to set up a partnership with him. Sounds interesting.....If it works out, I'll post something soon. Healthy yummylicious food coming your way. I. Hope.
Then she asks if I know of any food delivery services as she is a spinster & eats out daily. I told her I would ask around but unfortunately not many people I are know subscribe to such services. But it seems the going rate is anything from RM150 to RM180 per head per month for one meal a day (weekdays only) with three dishes. So that works out to about RM7 - RM9 a meal.
So I text a friend who is in the food business & he gives me the idea to set up a partnership with him. Sounds interesting.....If it works out, I'll post something soon. Healthy yummylicious food coming your way. I. Hope.
i'm saying 'no'..
A long-time girlfriend called me over the weekend asking me to help her out at an event she's doing at the race circuit for the upcoming f1 this weekend. Something about hosting some lunches & dinners at the hospitality booth for the pit crew & media or something like that.
Had to pass on the weekend stint as we will be out of town attending a family function. Then she asked if I would be free on Monday to Wednesday to help her out (and not forgetting to miss out the "We'll pay you lah").
I didn't need to bat an eyelid to decline the offer although it would mean that I would have gotten the chance to ogle at the pit crew upfront and not via binoculars like how I did back then. If it were any other day, I would have said yes but unfortunately I couldn't make myself free (being chauffeur to the daughter lah). The hubby felt bad that I had to turn it down cos she's a long long long long time friend and he felt bad that we couldn't help her. I told him too bad but family comes before friends. I told him its pointless for me to say yes to her, go there for a couple of hours then drive all the way back her mid-day when I'm supposed to be 'working' to fetch the daughter from school. I might as well not go. The hubby still felt bad but left it up to me to decide.
Sometimes we find it difficult to say NO to our friends for fear of hurting them or their feelings. Sometimes we find it difficult to say the things that our friends should hear instead of want to hear because we don't want to them to feel bad. Sometimes they get angry or mad at us simply for saying NO or refusing to help them or not telling them the things they want to hear and say we are not supportive of them. But should we feel guilty for doing what we did? Are we really out there to get them?
I guess I can only do to the best of my abilities. How they want to judge me, by my words or my actions is their prerogative. If they hate me for it, no big deal. If they appreciate me for it, then I am indeed blessed for their friendship. And any friend of mine worth their salt would know me for who I am and why I do the things I do..
So, it's quite simple really - purse your lips, tip of the tongue of top of the 'langit-langit' (what's this called in English ah?) & just say NO.
Had to pass on the weekend stint as we will be out of town attending a family function. Then she asked if I would be free on Monday to Wednesday to help her out (and not forgetting to miss out the "We'll pay you lah").
I didn't need to bat an eyelid to decline the offer although it would mean that I would have gotten the chance to ogle at the pit crew upfront and not via binoculars like how I did back then. If it were any other day, I would have said yes but unfortunately I couldn't make myself free (being chauffeur to the daughter lah). The hubby felt bad that I had to turn it down cos she's a long long long long time friend and he felt bad that we couldn't help her. I told him too bad but family comes before friends. I told him its pointless for me to say yes to her, go there for a couple of hours then drive all the way back her mid-day when I'm supposed to be 'working' to fetch the daughter from school. I might as well not go. The hubby still felt bad but left it up to me to decide.
Sometimes we find it difficult to say NO to our friends for fear of hurting them or their feelings. Sometimes we find it difficult to say the things that our friends should hear instead of want to hear because we don't want to them to feel bad. Sometimes they get angry or mad at us simply for saying NO or refusing to help them or not telling them the things they want to hear and say we are not supportive of them. But should we feel guilty for doing what we did? Are we really out there to get them?
I guess I can only do to the best of my abilities. How they want to judge me, by my words or my actions is their prerogative. If they hate me for it, no big deal. If they appreciate me for it, then I am indeed blessed for their friendship. And any friend of mine worth their salt would know me for who I am and why I do the things I do..
So, it's quite simple really - purse your lips, tip of the tongue of top of the 'langit-langit' (what's this called in English ah?) & just say NO.
not nigella's kitchen
If a klutz who can't dance is called a person with two left feet, what is a person who is entirely hopeless in the kitchen called? Two lefts spatulas ke, two left woks ke I was that once upon a time.
No, no I am not claiming to be a nigella or kylie kwong but I guess boleh lah...Edible lah, makan tak matinye. Sakit perut tak jamin though....
And through this never ending learning process I call whomever available or who has mastered the recipe (mother in law lah, sisters in law lah, sister lah, mother lah, friends lah) on how to cook a certain dish. And I just hate it when they go "Aiyah, so easy lah...", "Alah, senang jer..."
Memang lah easy if that is your signature dish & you have been cooking it donkey years or that is all you ever cook when the family comes back. But for someone who is just learning it or trying it for the first time, not so easy lah kan??
So next time I happen to call you to ask how to cook something, say "Aiyah, senang jer tu.." and see what happens...
No, no I am not claiming to be a nigella or kylie kwong but I guess boleh lah...Edible lah, makan tak matinye. Sakit perut tak jamin though....
And through this never ending learning process I call whomever available or who has mastered the recipe (mother in law lah, sisters in law lah, sister lah, mother lah, friends lah) on how to cook a certain dish. And I just hate it when they go "Aiyah, so easy lah...", "Alah, senang jer..."
Memang lah easy if that is your signature dish & you have been cooking it donkey years or that is all you ever cook when the family comes back. But for someone who is just learning it or trying it for the first time, not so easy lah kan??
So next time I happen to call you to ask how to cook something, say "Aiyah, senang jer tu.." and see what happens...
earth hour
You should know that tomorrow at 830pm (local Malaysian time) is Earth Hour, right? Well, if you don't go here for information & do sign up for it....
There was a letter to the editor in The Star a couple of days back, saying that this is just a publicity stunt. He said something like it should be a continuous exercise & not just one hour a day in a year. But it starts somewhere right? It's up to us to make it an annual one hour on one day exercise or if we want to practise it.
But it will make a spectacular sight no? Imagine the city in the still of the dark, lit probably by candles or lanterns. Plenty of happenings around town but unfortunately we have dinner plans with some friends.
The funny thing is, the hubby wanted me to check with the restaurant whether they would be part of this Earth Hour event. So I called them, spoke to the manager & it went somewhat like this:
Me: Hi, I was planning to come over for dinner at your place this Saturday but I want to know if you are participating in the Earth Hour event?
Her: What event is that?
And I very patiently explain to her what it's about only to have her tell me "No, no we don't have booking so far for this event."
Whatever lah!!!
There was a letter to the editor in The Star a couple of days back, saying that this is just a publicity stunt. He said something like it should be a continuous exercise & not just one hour a day in a year. But it starts somewhere right? It's up to us to make it an annual one hour on one day exercise or if we want to practise it.
But it will make a spectacular sight no? Imagine the city in the still of the dark, lit probably by candles or lanterns. Plenty of happenings around town but unfortunately we have dinner plans with some friends.
The funny thing is, the hubby wanted me to check with the restaurant whether they would be part of this Earth Hour event. So I called them, spoke to the manager & it went somewhat like this:
Me: Hi, I was planning to come over for dinner at your place this Saturday but I want to know if you are participating in the Earth Hour event?
Her: What event is that?
And I very patiently explain to her what it's about only to have her tell me "No, no we don't have booking so far for this event."
Whatever lah!!!
change will do me good?
I was chatting with a friend (2t) through IM a couple of days back & she wanted to know if I decided to take on the job offer with my ex-boss.
So I was telling her about how my ex-boss was kind enough to allow me to do it on a temp basis for two months; at the end of which I can decide if I wanted to be employed or continue being a bum.. 2t was telling me that she felt I should work & I asked her why she thought so.
Miscommunication & a couple of missing words aside, she felt that I have changed since I quit my job & thus felt that I should work so I can get my groove back. I asked her "Changed? How?"
She recalled some conversation we had yonks ago & I said something like "Entahlah, nak mati kot". So she concluded (or not) that I have become quite emo, which she says is not me.
I don't know - is being emotional bad? I do try to see the good in all & the positive side of things but I don't believe that EVERY day is a good day & EVERY time is cheery, smiley, happy happy.
Some days when I feel that I have been misunderstood by people who matter most to me, I do feel sad & down. Or when it's that time of the month & nothing seems to go right, I just want everyone to drop dead.
And as age catches up, I guess I have come to accept things that I cannot change as they are. I have mellowed (no more temper flares) & am more calm and composed.
Maybe in my case, I did really get wiser as I grew older (yes, comments are welcomed & I promise to not delete any even if it's down-right stupid and not at all flattering to me).
Well, maybe that is 2t's perspective that I have changed but I see me as the same old me, just a little more mature. What do you think?
So I was telling her about how my ex-boss was kind enough to allow me to do it on a temp basis for two months; at the end of which I can decide if I wanted to be employed or continue being a bum.. 2t was telling me that she felt I should work & I asked her why she thought so.
Miscommunication & a couple of missing words aside, she felt that I have changed since I quit my job & thus felt that I should work so I can get my groove back. I asked her "Changed? How?"
She recalled some conversation we had yonks ago & I said something like "Entahlah, nak mati kot". So she concluded (or not) that I have become quite emo, which she says is not me.
I don't know - is being emotional bad? I do try to see the good in all & the positive side of things but I don't believe that EVERY day is a good day & EVERY time is cheery, smiley, happy happy.
Some days when I feel that I have been misunderstood by people who matter most to me, I do feel sad & down. Or when it's that time of the month & nothing seems to go right, I just want everyone to drop dead.
And as age catches up, I guess I have come to accept things that I cannot change as they are. I have mellowed (no more temper flares) & am more calm and composed.
Maybe in my case, I did really get wiser as I grew older (yes, comments are welcomed & I promise to not delete any even if it's down-right stupid and not at all flattering to me).
Well, maybe that is 2t's perspective that I have changed but I see me as the same old me, just a little more mature. What do you think?
marley & me
First, read then book then watched the movie. What can I say?? That dog is so adorable. Yes, when a novel is being made into a movie a huge part of the story is compromised / altered to fit the ninety minutes (or whatever the duration of the movie is). In most cases, reading the book is way better than watching the movie. Case in point - The DaVinci Code (I still can't get over Tom Hank's hair in this one. Let's hope the stylist did a better job in Angels & Demons), P.S I Love You (the movie was soooo very disappointing). The only book I am thankful that they made into a movie & a damn good one at that was Lord of the Rings 'cos I couldn't get past page two without nodding off.
Marley & Me - the book was a good read, I laughed aloud, smiled & even felt a sting of tear in my eye especially when he got old & eventually died. I was looking forward to watching the movie simply for the dog. Not so much for Jennifer Aniston or Owen Wilson, really. But I must say they were pretty good supporting actors to the dog...

How to resist 'clearance puppy' when he looks at you like that?
a diamond in the rough
I am not ashamed to confess that I am not particularly a fan of our local movie fan-fare, save for the selected few namely the legendary P. Ramlee, Afdlin Shauki, Yasmin Ahmad & some others whose names I am not really sure of.
Ordinarily, the typical Malay movie would either be a slapstick comedy genre (you watch one, you've watched them all); or some ridiculous love story - both of which will draw the generic man-in-street viewership. Thus the generalisation of "Oh, only the Malays will watch Malay movies".
Although I am not a Malay myself, I do enjoy an occassionally well-written good Malay movie. Some of my firm favourites are Seniman Bujang Lapok (& the rest of the Bujang Lapok series), Labu-Labi, Pensil (a masterpiece by M. Subash Abdullah), Mukhsin, Gubra, Sepet (all by the very talented critically acclaimed & award winning director Yasmin Ahmad), Buli, Buli Balik, Baik Punya Cilok (all by Afdlin Shauki).
I became a fan of Yasmin's work after Petronas decided to invest in the annual advertisements during the major festivals being Chinese New Year, Raya & Deepavali. We would look out for these ads that in someway would definitely hit a chord in us all - be it of joy, a tinge of sadness but always with a lesson to be learnt.
Her movies always invite a tad of controversy either with the National Censorship Board or the religious bodies. But she stays strong & continues producing these lovely inspiring movies & ads. Her latest work, Talentime is coming out in cinemas come 26th March 2009 & I am indeed looking forward to watching albeit having to go at it alone. And later this year, 'Muallaf' will hit the local cinema circuit. If others can appreciate her work, why can't we?
Remember this one amongst her many gems - the 'Tan Hong Ming's Love' ad in conjuction with the country's 50th Merdeka celebrations back in '07. Makes you just go 'awwwww'....
Ordinarily, the typical Malay movie would either be a slapstick comedy genre (you watch one, you've watched them all); or some ridiculous love story - both of which will draw the generic man-in-street viewership. Thus the generalisation of "Oh, only the Malays will watch Malay movies".
Although I am not a Malay myself, I do enjoy an occassionally well-written good Malay movie. Some of my firm favourites are Seniman Bujang Lapok (& the rest of the Bujang Lapok series), Labu-Labi, Pensil (a masterpiece by M. Subash Abdullah), Mukhsin, Gubra, Sepet (all by the very talented critically acclaimed & award winning director Yasmin Ahmad), Buli, Buli Balik, Baik Punya Cilok (all by Afdlin Shauki).
I became a fan of Yasmin's work after Petronas decided to invest in the annual advertisements during the major festivals being Chinese New Year, Raya & Deepavali. We would look out for these ads that in someway would definitely hit a chord in us all - be it of joy, a tinge of sadness but always with a lesson to be learnt.
Her movies always invite a tad of controversy either with the National Censorship Board or the religious bodies. But she stays strong & continues producing these lovely inspiring movies & ads. Her latest work, Talentime is coming out in cinemas come 26th March 2009 & I am indeed looking forward to watching albeit having to go at it alone. And later this year, 'Muallaf' will hit the local cinema circuit. If others can appreciate her work, why can't we?
Remember this one amongst her many gems - the 'Tan Hong Ming's Love' ad in conjuction with the country's 50th Merdeka celebrations back in '07. Makes you just go 'awwwww'....
are you going to finish strong?
Received this in an email from a friend & found it very inspirational. So for those out there who is going through a rough patch & feel that all is lost, stay strong. Know that the best is yet to come & God bless...
profiling me
Last year I was called to meet up my ex-boss (yes, she again!!) who offered me a job in the organization she was working with at that time. Well, it wasn't really an interview per say but out of courtesy I filled out the application form & did a profiling questionnaire. Let's just say I already had the job in the bag if I wanted it. She just wanted to submit my 'application' to the CEO for formality sakes.
As I was filling out the questionnaire I was having a chat with her, laughing & at the same time grumbling that I had to complete like a gazillion questions. You know, its like the question - there are four people on the island or something & only one person can be saved, who would that be? type of thing.. ugh, duh!!
So anyways, I did not take up the job offer in the end although she gave me an interesting enough package for me to leave my job at that time. So yesterday over coffee my ex-boss & I were talking about why I did not take up her offer at that time & why she left soon after; she said that the CEO upon the results of my personality profiling wasn't too keen on hiring me. Something about "Oh, she's a right brainer (better than a no brainer no??); She's not a team player (not when the rest are no brainers)" or something to that effect. But my ex-boss was championing me saying "Oh, I have worked with her before & she is good at what she does and I believe that is what is more important, yada yada yada..."
But I turned down the offer way before she saw the results so yeah, I rejected them & not the other way around. Then she asks me if I believe in all this personality profiling. Well, honestly I wouldn't really make my decisions based entirely on it. It does give us a guideline or a brief on what kind of a person you are dealing with.. if you have a woo-hoo in your hands or if you are safe.
And sometimes it also depends on the person's frame of mind when they are filling up the questionnaires. If they are calm, collected maybe the results will be near accurate but if you have the HR executive breathing down your neck every five minutes or so "Eh, I need your answers back like yesterday" or you want to butter the upper management with answers that make you look like the star employee of their entire history, then it would be very misleading.
My previous company's management promised anonymity & employees were encouraged to speak their mind in the questionnaires. But when a couple of employees brought up sensitive issues, I had to play handwriting analyst to find out who the complainants were. Well, to cut a long story short, from then on the employees only had nice things to say about how the bosses are doing a great job with the company & all is hunky dory..
Many moons ago, I did one of this profiling thing prior to a team-building exercise in my place of work. Can't for the life of me recall what I am - Sanguine Choleric or Sanguine Phlegmatic or simply a penguin with a phlegmy cough... but if you want to know what the **toot** I am talking about, go here..
Err, wait I think I have the profiling thing somewhere..anyone interested to know where they fall into?? And like the con jobs consultants who do this, I charge... LOL
As I was filling out the questionnaire I was having a chat with her, laughing & at the same time grumbling that I had to complete like a gazillion questions. You know, its like the question - there are four people on the island or something & only one person can be saved, who would that be? type of thing.. ugh, duh!!
So anyways, I did not take up the job offer in the end although she gave me an interesting enough package for me to leave my job at that time. So yesterday over coffee my ex-boss & I were talking about why I did not take up her offer at that time & why she left soon after; she said that the CEO upon the results of my personality profiling wasn't too keen on hiring me. Something about "Oh, she's a right brainer (better than a no brainer no??); She's not a team player (not when the rest are no brainers)" or something to that effect. But my ex-boss was championing me saying "Oh, I have worked with her before & she is good at what she does and I believe that is what is more important, yada yada yada..."
But I turned down the offer way before she saw the results so yeah, I rejected them & not the other way around. Then she asks me if I believe in all this personality profiling. Well, honestly I wouldn't really make my decisions based entirely on it. It does give us a guideline or a brief on what kind of a person you are dealing with.. if you have a woo-hoo in your hands or if you are safe.
And sometimes it also depends on the person's frame of mind when they are filling up the questionnaires. If they are calm, collected maybe the results will be near accurate but if you have the HR executive breathing down your neck every five minutes or so "Eh, I need your answers back like yesterday" or you want to butter the upper management with answers that make you look like the star employee of their entire history, then it would be very misleading.
My previous company's management promised anonymity & employees were encouraged to speak their mind in the questionnaires. But when a couple of employees brought up sensitive issues, I had to play handwriting analyst to find out who the complainants were. Well, to cut a long story short, from then on the employees only had nice things to say about how the bosses are doing a great job with the company & all is hunky dory..
Many moons ago, I did one of this profiling thing prior to a team-building exercise in my place of work. Can't for the life of me recall what I am - Sanguine Choleric or Sanguine Phlegmatic or simply a penguin with a phlegmy cough... but if you want to know what the **toot** I am talking about, go here..
Err, wait I think I have the profiling thing somewhere..anyone interested to know where they fall into?? And like the con jobs consultants who do this, I charge... LOL
to bum or not to bum???
Some time last week, catbee called me to seek advise on some HR issues. Then she asks if I would consider taking on a HR position in the organization she is currently attached to. I'm always keeping my options open, so I said tell me what my package is & I may consider lah.. But of course I have my pre-requisites before I take on the job; although I have given up on the idea of a three possibly four day week with a remuneration of RM7k or so plus medical, insurances, leave, claims, allowances.. Anyways she says she will talk to her bimbo of a boss to see if she can get me working there...
This evening on the way back from KLCC, I get a call from my ex-boss wanting to meet me for coffee. Yeah, why not? Seems that she is starting a new job with some oil & gas company but on a contractual basis what being a retiree & all. One of her terms is she would bring in her own protégé to groom to take over her position when she leaves. So she's asking me "You want to work or not? Or do you still want to loiter around?"; to which I reply "With you ah?". She laughs heartily... I mean I *heart* her but she can be a bitch of a boss to work with / for. But then again, when she always offers me a job in whatever organization she joins I must be her favorite or possibly the only one who can tolerate her & make life bearable for her.
Then later I give catbee a call to ask if she has spoken to her bimbo boss about the HR position for me. She says she's gonna meet him tonight & would bring it up. I just wanted to know cos now I potentially have two offers so I want to weigh my pros & cons before I decide to start working again or continue being a bum. When I told her my ex-boss called to offer me a job, her immediate reaction was "Don't tell me you are going back to work with (my last employment)??" Uhhh duhhhh!! NO way in hell babe, NO way in hell.... I bet if I said yes, catbee would drive to wherever I was at that moment & smack some sense into me!!
I would consider catbee's place cos its like five minutes away from home as opposed to the other one which is the city...then she tells me "Oh, they moved you know to a bigger office due to the expansion. Old Klang Road. And, and they work Saturdays". What? Where? Thanks but no thanks I'll pass on this one...
I have two days to consider my ex-boss' offer. The hubby did say a couple of days back "You need to go back to work". "Why?" I ask. He replies "So that you can use your shoes, clothes & bags that you bought"... Hardy har har, plenty funny!!
If I do go back into the work-force I would need to arrange transportation for the daughter for after school / activities, extra classes.. and I won't be home often enough to 'nag' at her & I know the cat (the four legged creature) will have a gala time lying on whatever, wherever he wants and being his brattiest..
Sigh!! :-( confusius confusius... Should I? Shouldn't I?
This evening on the way back from KLCC, I get a call from my ex-boss wanting to meet me for coffee. Yeah, why not? Seems that she is starting a new job with some oil & gas company but on a contractual basis what being a retiree & all. One of her terms is she would bring in her own protégé to groom to take over her position when she leaves. So she's asking me "You want to work or not? Or do you still want to loiter around?"; to which I reply "With you ah?". She laughs heartily... I mean I *heart* her but she can be a bitch of a boss to work with / for. But then again, when she always offers me a job in whatever organization she joins I must be her favorite or possibly the only one who can tolerate her & make life bearable for her.
Then later I give catbee a call to ask if she has spoken to her bimbo boss about the HR position for me. She says she's gonna meet him tonight & would bring it up. I just wanted to know cos now I potentially have two offers so I want to weigh my pros & cons before I decide to start working again or continue being a bum. When I told her my ex-boss called to offer me a job, her immediate reaction was "Don't tell me you are going back to work with (my last employment)??" Uhhh duhhhh!! NO way in hell babe, NO way in hell.... I bet if I said yes, catbee would drive to wherever I was at that moment & smack some sense into me!!
I would consider catbee's place cos its like five minutes away from home as opposed to the other one which is the city...then she tells me "Oh, they moved you know to a bigger office due to the expansion. Old Klang Road. And, and they work Saturdays". What? Where? Thanks but no thanks I'll pass on this one...
I have two days to consider my ex-boss' offer. The hubby did say a couple of days back "You need to go back to work". "Why?" I ask. He replies "So that you can use your shoes, clothes & bags that you bought"... Hardy har har, plenty funny!!
If I do go back into the work-force I would need to arrange transportation for the daughter for after school / activities, extra classes.. and I won't be home often enough to 'nag' at her & I know the cat (the four legged creature) will have a gala time lying on whatever, wherever he wants and being his brattiest..
Sigh!! :-( confusius confusius... Should I? Shouldn't I?
to londong with love
Made Laksa Johor last weekend for lunch with family & some friends. The nephew in Reading misses this dish & asked if I could send some over to him. So to MatDene with lots of love from your family here...enjoy!!
of mushrooms, moss, tired chicken wings & dented pee
I was reading a friend's recent post in her blog on her recent lunch do with some friends. And found out that she knows how to cook the East Malaysian delicacy of Laksa Sarawak. So I asked her if she knew how to make Bubur Pedas. She thought I was making this up. Learnt to savor many Sarawak delicacies while I was there back in '93. Picked their dialect along the way as well & it brought back some funny memories on how I learnt to appreciate this food (and yet there are others I will not try even if you paid me to but then again, you'll never know..) & how different words can mean different things...
..difference between moss & mushrooms
It was during the fasting month & a friend brought over a dish he called bubur pedas. I looked at the dish & asked him what's the main ingredient to which he said 'kulat'. Trying very hard to contain my disgust, I thanked him for it & kept in the fridge for about three days or so before throwing it out. Why did I throw it out? Well, ask yourself - he said 'kulat' (which is moss in know the green stuff growing on walls or damp areas) & the bubur was green. The next we met the friend who gave us the bubur, he asked how it was. Yes, I know telling a lie is a no-no especially during fasting month (you know, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil) but I considered it tipu sunat so as to not hurt his feelings. A couple of days later, my staff gives me another container of bubur pedas & this time it looked less green. So I asked her what is the main ingredient. She too said kulat & this time I asked her "What is kulat?". She told me "Oh, it's the Sarawak slang for mushrooms". Boy, did I feel like an idiot that time. When I tried the bubur, it was actually really really good & true to its name, it's pedas. (Sorry bee, you will have to pass out on this one)
..tired from all that flapping
Lunch time & I was heavily preggers. There was a stall selling nasi campur that was our usual hang-out every Friday noon after the Zohor prayers. As much as I did not consider fried chicken as my favorite food, during my pregnancy I was practically craving it every other day. So one day I am picking out my lauk & I wanted to have fried chicken wings. After beleking the chicken parts, I couldn't find any wings. So I ask the lady there "Takde kepak?" & she looks at me funny. Hubby tells me not to be picky so I settle for the drumstick instead. The next day, I tell my staff what happened with the kepak thing. She was laughing so hard that she almost fell off the chair. She told me 'kepak' in their slang (again!!) means tired & if I wanted wings I should say 'sayap'. No wonder the woman looked at me weird. She must have thought me crazy to tell her I was tired while poking at the chicken parts...
don't drop the baby
A friend delivered at a hospital in Sarawak. The gynae makes his rounds & comes to her. He asks her "Baby udah kemeh?" & now she looks at him weird...She says "Tak, tak baby tak kemek". So there's a weird exchange of glances with him asking her if the baby has kemeh and she insiting that she didn't drop the baby to cause him to kemek... The doc finally realises she's orang Malaya & translates "Baby sudah kencing?"
Apart from finding it difficult to get Sarawak delicacies here in Semenanjung (midin, umai, ikan pais, bubur pedas, mi sapi, ambal, mi kolok, kek lapis sarawak, sarawak laksa), I still get to practise the lingo I learnt there with Silver Surfer & now, Angelita. Boleh sik?
..difference between moss & mushrooms
It was during the fasting month & a friend brought over a dish he called bubur pedas. I looked at the dish & asked him what's the main ingredient to which he said 'kulat'. Trying very hard to contain my disgust, I thanked him for it & kept in the fridge for about three days or so before throwing it out. Why did I throw it out? Well, ask yourself - he said 'kulat' (which is moss in know the green stuff growing on walls or damp areas) & the bubur was green. The next we met the friend who gave us the bubur, he asked how it was. Yes, I know telling a lie is a no-no especially during fasting month (you know, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil) but I considered it tipu sunat so as to not hurt his feelings. A couple of days later, my staff gives me another container of bubur pedas & this time it looked less green. So I asked her what is the main ingredient. She too said kulat & this time I asked her "What is kulat?". She told me "Oh, it's the Sarawak slang for mushrooms". Boy, did I feel like an idiot that time. When I tried the bubur, it was actually really really good & true to its name, it's pedas. (Sorry bee, you will have to pass out on this one)
..tired from all that flapping
Lunch time & I was heavily preggers. There was a stall selling nasi campur that was our usual hang-out every Friday noon after the Zohor prayers. As much as I did not consider fried chicken as my favorite food, during my pregnancy I was practically craving it every other day. So one day I am picking out my lauk & I wanted to have fried chicken wings. After beleking the chicken parts, I couldn't find any wings. So I ask the lady there "Takde kepak?" & she looks at me funny. Hubby tells me not to be picky so I settle for the drumstick instead. The next day, I tell my staff what happened with the kepak thing. She was laughing so hard that she almost fell off the chair. She told me 'kepak' in their slang (again!!) means tired & if I wanted wings I should say 'sayap'. No wonder the woman looked at me weird. She must have thought me crazy to tell her I was tired while poking at the chicken parts...
don't drop the baby
A friend delivered at a hospital in Sarawak. The gynae makes his rounds & comes to her. He asks her "Baby udah kemeh?" & now she looks at him weird...She says "Tak, tak baby tak kemek". So there's a weird exchange of glances with him asking her if the baby has kemeh and she insiting that she didn't drop the baby to cause him to kemek... The doc finally realises she's orang Malaya & translates "Baby sudah kencing?"
Apart from finding it difficult to get Sarawak delicacies here in Semenanjung (midin, umai, ikan pais, bubur pedas, mi sapi, ambal, mi kolok, kek lapis sarawak, sarawak laksa), I still get to practise the lingo I learnt there with Silver Surfer & now, Angelita. Boleh sik?
these are a few of my favorite...
Got this yesterday & it remains one of my many favorites... Smooth silky vocals belting out easy listening feel-good songs. Listening to it & a mug of hot drink and Patchi chocolates will make it ahhh...bliss but nah!! too lazy though..will just settle with the listening part. The rest will have to wait...

This transpired a while ago with another of my 'what was I thinking' friends... (the ones in red are the SMS-es I received & in blue, my replies)
Amoi, u wanna watch anita sarawak's show tak? Secretaries' wk luncheon @ sime darby convtn ctr
How much?
Wah!! Who else going? U sdn bhd ke??
Me & my mom
When you buying the tix?
Tot of buying tix 2moro. Takut good seats habih.. Hehe..
Gimme your email
Ok la beb buy the tix la Sunday nanti bila jumpa I give u the $$
Ei suka ati aje. U rasa2 tengah bulan I stil have $ meh? Nevermind I try to cari. Anything i cl u whn im going 2 buy k..
La ko ckp nak beli besok..Kena go there personally ke or fill up form?
Ye i beli 2 tix dah $1k ler. I buy la skali 4 u nanti. If possible u bank in ke dlm my a/c. If not, I mintak bapak i dulu...
What's yr account no?
Ke u suruh I beli tix sendiri
Axxxxx XXX Bank (followed by her account no)
Nama penuh wei, aku lum buy over bank tu lagi
Oi..I beli la esok together2 kita duduk sekali
U try google tengok.. :p (and she gives me her full name)
Ya la thats what I thought oso la u belikan dulu then Sunday ni masa kita jumpa lunch aku bayar la cash tu. Lepas tu ckp suka2 ati lak. Takde2 google nama tu takde, google kuntilanak jer keluar muka ko
Betul ah yr account no. Kalu salah bagi masuk acc org lain jgn mintak lagi tau
Takpe..CANTIK kan??
Someone tell me how I am still sane...
pride & prejudice
A mutual friend is in town for the weekend with his family (read: wife & three boisterous kids) & the hubby is planning to invite them over for lunch tomorrow. This entourage will have an appendage of his sis-in-law whom I am not too fond of actually. Don't ask me why, I am prejudiced like that (well actually I have my reasons of which I shall not go into here).
You know how they say that women have their intuition about things like when their significant other is looking to scratch the seven-year-itch or up to no good. Well, I haven't had my spidey sense tingling when it comes to the hubby; but I do have 'sixth sense' when it comes to people. I don't warm up easily to people - it takes me a while to decide if I like you. Yeah, I have been said to be cocky, stuck-up, unapproachable, bitchy, etc... but I guess I would rather have quality friends over quantity any day.
In most cases I have been right about people whom I have little regard for. Like yonks ago when I was working in the HR department in my last employment, the company decided to hire an Assistant IT Manager. So it came down to the final few who were being short-listed for the position. I got one of the assisstants to call the candidates in for an interview with the boss. After her call with one of the candidates (who finally got recruited & we shall call him Poopsie), she was grumbling about how rude he was. Apparently he was insulted that he was being called for interview for the assistant position as our friend mistook the position as a managerial position. Well, was it really our fault that he blurred out on the assistant part??
So he came in for the interview anyways... the minute he walked into the office, I didn't like him (probably the knowledge that he was obnoxious & clueless contributed to my dislike). When the bosses announced that Poopsie would be joining the company soon during one our the department's morning briefs, I made it known that I didn't think hiring him was a good idea. But it seems he apologised for his rudeness & the bosses were very impressed saying "Oh, he's the bigger person for acknowledging & apologizing" (can't blame the bosses really, them being the lesser beings are very impressed with simpletons).
Poopsie comes in, does what others thinks he does best & no, I still didn't like him. But yes, I am the adult here & I tried to have a good working relationship with him and thank heavens they were the limited few. And whaddaya know, down the line a couple of months later, he starts misbehaving & actually made me work - remember it's very important to work smart not hard & always give the impression that you are busy when in fact you are busy doing nothing :-)
Anyways, after extending his probation period one times too many, the bosses thought enough was enough & the instruction from the supreme being was "I don't know how you are gonna do it, but I want him out of this company" (yes people I am giving out HR secrets here!!). My skills of drafting show-cause & warnings letters were put to good use & I was in overdrive churning out all these documents. I tell you, I have never worked so hard in my life....
To cut a long story short, we finally got rid of him (cruel yes?) & I couldn't resist telling the short one (the boss lah) 'I told you so'... and I guess that's when HE developed that sixth sense that he didn't like me as much as he thought he did...
You know how they say that women have their intuition about things like when their significant other is looking to scratch the seven-year-itch or up to no good. Well, I haven't had my spidey sense tingling when it comes to the hubby; but I do have 'sixth sense' when it comes to people. I don't warm up easily to people - it takes me a while to decide if I like you. Yeah, I have been said to be cocky, stuck-up, unapproachable, bitchy, etc... but I guess I would rather have quality friends over quantity any day.
In most cases I have been right about people whom I have little regard for. Like yonks ago when I was working in the HR department in my last employment, the company decided to hire an Assistant IT Manager. So it came down to the final few who were being short-listed for the position. I got one of the assisstants to call the candidates in for an interview with the boss. After her call with one of the candidates (who finally got recruited & we shall call him Poopsie), she was grumbling about how rude he was. Apparently he was insulted that he was being called for interview for the assistant position as our friend mistook the position as a managerial position. Well, was it really our fault that he blurred out on the assistant part??
So he came in for the interview anyways... the minute he walked into the office, I didn't like him (probably the knowledge that he was obnoxious & clueless contributed to my dislike). When the bosses announced that Poopsie would be joining the company soon during one our the department's morning briefs, I made it known that I didn't think hiring him was a good idea. But it seems he apologised for his rudeness & the bosses were very impressed saying "Oh, he's the bigger person for acknowledging & apologizing" (can't blame the bosses really, them being the lesser beings are very impressed with simpletons).
Poopsie comes in, does what others thinks he does best & no, I still didn't like him. But yes, I am the adult here & I tried to have a good working relationship with him and thank heavens they were the limited few. And whaddaya know, down the line a couple of months later, he starts misbehaving & actually made me work - remember it's very important to work smart not hard & always give the impression that you are busy when in fact you are busy doing nothing :-)
Anyways, after extending his probation period one times too many, the bosses thought enough was enough & the instruction from the supreme being was "I don't know how you are gonna do it, but I want him out of this company" (yes people I am giving out HR secrets here!!). My skills of drafting show-cause & warnings letters were put to good use & I was in overdrive churning out all these documents. I tell you, I have never worked so hard in my life....
To cut a long story short, we finally got rid of him (cruel yes?) & I couldn't resist telling the short one (the boss lah) 'I told you so'... and I guess that's when HE developed that sixth sense that he didn't like me as much as he thought he did...
While driving just a couple of hours ago, this cabbie cut in front of me. It was a slow crawl on a rainy evening, so it didn't really get on my nerves. The ad at the back of the car got me smiling though.
The last time my masseuse over for my massage session, she was telling me how she was getting kutuk 'kaw-kaw' simply for being orang Melaka; the state that conferred datukship to Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan. All because our friend shot part of his movie in Melaka & helped promote the state and boost tourism. Eh?
So next we'll have the following being conferred datukship as well - Jessica Alba, Catherine Zeta Jones, Sean Connery, Ben Stiller & maybe even Jean Smart; either for shooting part of their movie in our country or even mentioning it.
What do you think of the message in the picture below?
The last time my masseuse over for my massage session, she was telling me how she was getting kutuk 'kaw-kaw' simply for being orang Melaka; the state that conferred datukship to Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan. All because our friend shot part of his movie in Melaka & helped promote the state and boost tourism. Eh?
So next we'll have the following being conferred datukship as well - Jessica Alba, Catherine Zeta Jones, Sean Connery, Ben Stiller & maybe even Jean Smart; either for shooting part of their movie in our country or even mentioning it.
What do you think of the message in the picture below?
next holiday destination
For sure this will be the next holiday destination... Why, you ask. Do you see what I see???
But words that sound alike aside, while browsing pictures of the resort (here) - cantiklah wei but then again sometimes it's indah khabar dari rupa. Since angelita is going that way soon.... wait for her to story story lah then maybe can go there for our next getaway.
You know, I have only but a few friends that can click with me & can tolerate my 'mulut laser' and ocassionally be my oral sparring partner. It helps to stimulate the mind & hone the come-back-one-liners skill...
And of late, cat has been the receiving end of my (and angelita's) ke'laser'an. Sorry, cat but you are just too cute to let off easy...what with your buzziness, blurness, kelam-kabutness, etc-ness.
But I don't know if its the birds of a feather flock together, or great minds think alike, or fools seldom differ but most of my friends are like that. Apart from the pre-requisite of being bitchy, loves people watching & sharp tongued. By like that I mean ISO1992 (oh, this is a new phrase I coined for being so lembap)....
So I have another friend whom I have known like maybe six seven years (?). I mean she's a doll but sometimes I don't know how she can stand being my friend, what with the endless tirade of one-liners or sarky remarks that only makes her terduduk kejap to digest what was just said.. let's call this one tt. And like in most cases, I have a co-conspirator (this one we shall name kuntilanak) in making tt's life a living hell.
So this Sunday, the three of us have brunch plans under the tree in a famed banana leaf eatery (yeah, yeah like the emergency sitting under the raintree lah) cos tt wanted to makan tosai. Kunti as usual being the bossy one instructed tt to pick her up at Bangsar. I planned to meet them there after dropping the daughter for her extra classes...
This morning I was chatting with tt re the plans this Sunday (just in case someone forgets or yours truly decides to go off on an unplanned weekend away) the conversation went somewhat like this but edited where necessary lah...pj (yours truly) is in red or pink & tt (my ISO1992 friend) is in blue.
ko tanya si kunti tu sunday jadi tak. aku should be no plans this weekned. she told me saturday she's working. ko bawak yr bf ah on sunday?
tanya jer. d si kunti bawak laki dia?
oh...ko x dengar dia kata suruh aku ammik dia kat bangsar? hahaha dunno la kadang2 laki dia ada class
tak ikut lah tu
my bf, dunno yer
if u wanna eat tosai, kena gi pagi la. dun tink afternoon ada tosai
aku pon x tanya dia pon, buang karan kalu aku tanya bf aku tu. apal lagi yg ada kat sana? if i bring along my bf, i will let u know
normally lunch nasi daun pisang lah. tosai i think pagi not sure malam got or not
kalu pagi c kunti nk pi camna, anak dia sekolah. kita ni nk pegi tghari kan? apsal mlm plak?
suruhlah atuk dia hantar, kunti kata the parents suka layan si kecik tu. i said tosai got in the morning or probably at nite lah. haiya!! that one ar? ko cam x tau standard sirim otak kawan ko ni
by now shld be better what. kira makin tua makin wiser
eh...dari mula2 ko kenal dulu aku bodo2 per. skrg aku dah pandai dah =))
habih kenapa masih iso1992
=)) yerla...kita citer psl brunch pastu ko cakap tosai ada pagi ngna mlm tu aku cuak tu
yalah but i just remembered u want to eat tosai mah. eh, org skg pakai turbo engine tau, bila tukar gear kena cepat2
Jangan marah ye, tt nanti kena jual. Takpe lah Raya nanti boleh mintak maaf...
And of late, cat has been the receiving end of my (and angelita's) ke'laser'an. Sorry, cat but you are just too cute to let off easy...what with your buzziness, blurness, kelam-kabutness, etc-ness.
But I don't know if its the birds of a feather flock together, or great minds think alike, or fools seldom differ but most of my friends are like that. Apart from the pre-requisite of being bitchy, loves people watching & sharp tongued. By like that I mean ISO1992 (oh, this is a new phrase I coined for being so lembap)....
So I have another friend whom I have known like maybe six seven years (?). I mean she's a doll but sometimes I don't know how she can stand being my friend, what with the endless tirade of one-liners or sarky remarks that only makes her terduduk kejap to digest what was just said.. let's call this one tt. And like in most cases, I have a co-conspirator (this one we shall name kuntilanak) in making tt's life a living hell.
So this Sunday, the three of us have brunch plans under the tree in a famed banana leaf eatery (yeah, yeah like the emergency sitting under the raintree lah) cos tt wanted to makan tosai. Kunti as usual being the bossy one instructed tt to pick her up at Bangsar. I planned to meet them there after dropping the daughter for her extra classes...
This morning I was chatting with tt re the plans this Sunday (just in case someone forgets or yours truly decides to go off on an unplanned weekend away) the conversation went somewhat like this but edited where necessary lah...pj (yours truly) is in red or pink & tt (my ISO1992 friend) is in blue.
ko tanya si kunti tu sunday jadi tak. aku should be no plans this weekned. she told me saturday she's working. ko bawak yr bf ah on sunday?
tanya jer. d si kunti bawak laki dia?
oh...ko x dengar dia kata suruh aku ammik dia kat bangsar? hahaha dunno la kadang2 laki dia ada class
tak ikut lah tu
my bf, dunno yer
if u wanna eat tosai, kena gi pagi la. dun tink afternoon ada tosai
aku pon x tanya dia pon, buang karan kalu aku tanya bf aku tu. apal lagi yg ada kat sana? if i bring along my bf, i will let u know
normally lunch nasi daun pisang lah. tosai i think pagi not sure malam got or not
kalu pagi c kunti nk pi camna, anak dia sekolah. kita ni nk pegi tghari kan? apsal mlm plak?
suruhlah atuk dia hantar, kunti kata the parents suka layan si kecik tu. i said tosai got in the morning or probably at nite lah. haiya!! that one ar? ko cam x tau standard sirim otak kawan ko ni
by now shld be better what. kira makin tua makin wiser
eh...dari mula2 ko kenal dulu aku bodo2 per. skrg aku dah pandai dah =))
habih kenapa masih iso1992
=)) yerla...kita citer psl brunch pastu ko cakap tosai ada pagi ngna mlm tu aku cuak tu
yalah but i just remembered u want to eat tosai mah. eh, org skg pakai turbo engine tau, bila tukar gear kena cepat2
Jangan marah ye, tt nanti kena jual. Takpe lah Raya nanti boleh mintak maaf...
love means never having to say you're sorry
As usual this morning while sending the daughter to school, i tune in to & they were commenting on Oprah's show last night. Apparently they managed to get a hold of a copy of the police report on the Rihanna-Chris Brown fight.
Quote unquote according to the report - Rihanna started attacking Brown when she read a text message sent to him by a woman (possessive much??). And he threatened by saying 'I'm gonna beat the shit out of you when we get home, you wait & see'. She then fakes a call to her PA saying 'Have the cops there', afterwhich he looked at her and said 'Now you've done the stupidest thing ever, now I'm really going to kill you' & continued attacking her. Then there were stories about them reconciling, going to Miami to kiss & make up. What's this about love being blind again.
Seriously, if a man does that to a woman; beats her mindless, threatens to kill her - which sane woman would then brush everything aside & go 'La di da di da, I love him. Let's go for a holiday & make as if it was all just a bad dream'?? I mean, really?
In my past relationship & present, I have set one rule and only one rule straight - lay your hand on me & I walk out no ifs and buts about it. Of course they have been times when we have misunderstandings & screamed obscenities at each other but the hubby knows that if he ever decides to test his backhand, well.....
Okay, some may disagree and say 'Hey, why not give the abuser a second chance. He/she may be sorry, feel remorse and vow never to do it again'. So if they are truly truly remorseful of their actions, they will do whatever necessary to make amends. But more often than not, the abusers are creatures of habit. If they hit once, they will definitely hit again. And after each incident (or accident) their 'sorries' are meaningless.
Yes, our grandmother's generation or even our mother's generation would have just taken it all silently but we are not them. I am very passionate about this cause be it spouse abuse or child abuse. No one deserves this sort of abuse, regardless of creed, their level of education or gender be it physical or mental. One should not endure this kind of 'torture' just to save face; what if it goes out of control & the victim ends up dead? Like Oprah says 'Love isn't supposed to hurt'.
Quote unquote according to the report - Rihanna started attacking Brown when she read a text message sent to him by a woman (possessive much??). And he threatened by saying 'I'm gonna beat the shit out of you when we get home, you wait & see'. She then fakes a call to her PA saying 'Have the cops there', afterwhich he looked at her and said 'Now you've done the stupidest thing ever, now I'm really going to kill you' & continued attacking her. Then there were stories about them reconciling, going to Miami to kiss & make up. What's this about love being blind again.
Seriously, if a man does that to a woman; beats her mindless, threatens to kill her - which sane woman would then brush everything aside & go 'La di da di da, I love him. Let's go for a holiday & make as if it was all just a bad dream'?? I mean, really?
In my past relationship & present, I have set one rule and only one rule straight - lay your hand on me & I walk out no ifs and buts about it. Of course they have been times when we have misunderstandings & screamed obscenities at each other but the hubby knows that if he ever decides to test his backhand, well.....
Okay, some may disagree and say 'Hey, why not give the abuser a second chance. He/she may be sorry, feel remorse and vow never to do it again'. So if they are truly truly remorseful of their actions, they will do whatever necessary to make amends. But more often than not, the abusers are creatures of habit. If they hit once, they will definitely hit again. And after each incident (or accident) their 'sorries' are meaningless.
Yes, our grandmother's generation or even our mother's generation would have just taken it all silently but we are not them. I am very passionate about this cause be it spouse abuse or child abuse. No one deserves this sort of abuse, regardless of creed, their level of education or gender be it physical or mental. One should not endure this kind of 'torture' just to save face; what if it goes out of control & the victim ends up dead? Like Oprah says 'Love isn't supposed to hurt'.
because i am a queen
Yesterday was International Woman's Day (IWD), so Happy IWD to all my gal pals albeit a day late. This is one of many favorite songs from one of my favorite singers. It is indeed an inspiring number & I wish you nothing but love....
This is a song for every girl who's
Ever been through something
She thought she couldn't make it through, yeah
I sing these words because I was that that girl too
Wanting something better than this
But who do I turn to?
Now we're moving from the darkness into the light
This is the defining moment of our lives
Cause you're beautiful like a flower
More valuable than a diamond
You are powerful like a fire
You will heal the world with your mind and
There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you, who are beautiful
Yeah you, who are brilliant
Yeah you, who are powerful
Yeah you, who are resilient
This is a song for every girl who
Who's ever been through something that
She thought she couldn't make it through
She thought she couldn't make it through
Girl you can make it through
I sing these words because I know you're the one who
Knows there's something better than this
And you're gonna define it yeah
I sing these words because I know you're the one who
Knows there's something better than this
And you're gonna define it yeah
Now we're moving from the darkness into the light
This is the defining moment of our lives,
Cause you're beautiful like a flower
More valuable than a diamond
You are powerful like a fire
You will heal the world with your mind, and
There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you, who are beautiful
Yeah you, who are brilliant
Yeah you, who are powerful
Yeah you, who are resilient
Yeah you, who are beautiful
Yeah you, who are brilliant
Yeah you, who are powerful
Yeah you, who are resilient
Yeah you
lost & clueless
I recently got tagged in a photo in Facebook. I don't know if it is the current trend but these pics are animated & the person responsible tags you according to the personality they think fits you. So, someone I don't even know personally tagged me as the "productive" one in inverted commas & all. Eh? What? When? Why? How? Who?

Err, how is this me again?? Anyways, found out that the person responsible for this is a fellow feline friend of cat's, kitty-cat. Either she main 'hentam' only or cat has been feeding her fodder about me...hmmmm??

Err, how is this me again?? Anyways, found out that the person responsible for this is a fellow feline friend of cat's, kitty-cat. Either she main 'hentam' only or cat has been feeding her fodder about me...hmmmm??
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