what would you do for the sake of beauty? starve yourself? develop an eating disorder? practically make the gym your second home? nip & tuck?
i knew someone was stick thin (imagine a walking skeletal frame, thats how she was) who was disillusioned & constantly complained she was fat. i once asked her how her hubby could distinguish which is the front & which is the back, especially in the dark. needless to say, she wasn't very flattered with my comment. and the sad part is she was fanatically drinking a herbal slimming tea that would make her purge out her stomach contents a couple of times a day. the only time she looked healthy was when she was preggers but soon after she popped, it was back to the skin & bones look.
a lot of girls or guys for the fact are very obsessed with how they look - the more your bones protrude the more 'supermodelly' looking they are & the happier they are. i have heard of kids dieting cos they want to look like the current 'it' girl / guy. and it does not help that the celebrities are looking like the living dead (think amy winehouse, victoria beckham, paris hilton). and then there are those who are just naturally thin & will go 'yeah but i pig out like there's no tomorrow & i can't still put on the pounds / flesh...'. yeah well, maybe they have anacondas instead of tape worms in their sytem, so go take some deworming medication. or wait till you get older & then eat a spoonful gain an inchful...
going to the gym, working out or exercising for health reasons are okay. but if you are already stick thin (ie skin & bones), what is there to work out? i have seen girls in the gym who are probably grossly underweight & have stick poles for legs. my trainer & i used to joke that they should probably be better off eating than running on the treadmill. a friend once told me of her colleague who skips breakfast, has salads for lunch & goes to the gym everyday. apparently during an in-house seminar, she was donning winter wear (no body fat la) & almost passed out.
aesthetic procedures? well, that's up to the individual but if you are gonna end up looking like a bratz doll or some figurine gone wrong made in some factory in china, then......

remember the cat lady (see pic). apparently, she spend millions looking like simba from lion king. surely the money could have been put to good use. there are some local celebrities as well who undergo the knife (or syringe) but i cannot remember who they are. i caught a daily show once that featured our celebrities who underwent the knife, one things for sure - they looked kinda plasticky & scary. what happened to ageing gracefully?
yeah, i admit i am a bit vain too but would never go through drastic & painful measures to look super svelte & youthful. i cannot go on a diet (its a sin i tell you, i love good food & sometimes succumb to pigging out especially when on a holiday or someone else is doing the cooking) & i don't say i have a good metabolic rate (the trainer from hell - yeah you know who you are, just makes me work harder after the binges), can't exercise 7 days a week (3 times a week is already an accomplishment for me) & damn afraid of needles, knives & absolutely hate pain...

so here's to eating healthy, in moderation & ageing gracefully.. who looks better you tell me, the cat lady jocelyn wildenstein (born 1940, pic above) with her millions worth in cosmetic surgery or the bodylicious hottie, sophia loren (born 1934, pic right)?????